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Good Laser?


Nov 6, 2008
I've been researching to build a laser for a while now, but I've decided that it might be better if i just buy one.  I don't really have any desire to burn things lol i just want to see the beam atleast in the dark.

I've seen Wicked Laser's Core, but i've also read about how many on this site don't like wicked lasers.

There is this one that claims to be pretty good, i'd just like some opinions, i know its kind of expensive for what it is though

Okay, i guess i can't post links yet because im new.  The laser is at thinkgeek . com under gadgets, lights and lasers, and its called the Green Laser Pointer II

Here is the link... http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/lights/5a47/

IMHO that is way too much to pay for a <5mW green laser. If you just want something to point at the sky and be able to see the beam then buy a 5mW green from Dealextreme.com or kaidomain.com. It will do what you want and save you gobs of money. You could also get one from Ebay dirt cheap. And don't worry about them not having any IR filters, at that low power it doesn't really matter. Just don't look straight into the beam or point it at anyone else's eyeballs :o Just realize these companies are in China so even though shipping is free, it can take a couple of weeks to arrive.
Actually the core aint bad, id go for galileo through it will last longer as i dont take care of my stuff.
I have really liked what I have heard about laserglow, and their kit appears to be well built. I just ordered a galileo on monday, will let you know how it is when it gets here.
just get one from ebay my friend just got one for about $6 including shipping and it works perfectly
I got one from Ebay and it was the brightest I'd ever had, but it broke in 2 months. If you really want it to last forever, but one from the Lyra series (laserglow).
BTM4444 said:
get a more powerful one than 5mw
why? 5mW is the cheapest and he doesn't want it to burn things, so whats the point of getting a higher priced item if he doesn't want all the burning power?
sorry guys, ive been a little busy.

yeah, i dont really have any intention of burning things so i figured 5mw was the way to go. and isnt it illegal to buy anything above 5mw in the US if its not approved by the FDA?
Liberty, how long have you had the Amazon laser? Just wondering, because I got a laser there that was also sold by MPO (Miraclebeam made it.) and it broke in three months. :'( The company who gave it to me was "Zoviva". Are they usually good? They did tell me it was 20mW after I bought it and to never point it at anything living (It was obviously no more than 5mW). http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B000098YCP/ref=dp_olp_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1226250305&sr=1-1
randomlugia said:
Liberty, how long have you had the Amazon laser? Just wondering, because I got a laser there that was also sold by MPO (Miraclebeam made it.) and it broke in three months. :'( The company who gave it to me was "Zoviva". Are they usually good? They did tell me it was 20mW after I bought it and to never point it at anything living (It was obviously no more than 5mW). http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B000098YCP/ref=dp_olp_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1226250305&sr=1-1
uh I have had my 20mW and 50mW since early September, my 5mW is not even 1 day old, lol. but i always buy my lasers, if i can, from More4Less2008, they're usually the cheapest seller under items listed from MPR. my 20mW sorta crapped out on me a few weeks ago, it still works, but its not as strong as it used to be no matter how many fresh batteries i put into it. but my 50mW is still going as strong as ever. The only two companies i have bought from on Amazon are Home of Hot Deals and More4Less2008. More4Less is my go-to company, they help me out with everything i can think of
I got the Galileo-5 from laser glow today, it is awesome (well for a 5mw anyway) crisp and bright beam and dot, very sturdy construction. Could not be happier with a 5mw, well if it was cheaper, that would make me happy.

I also ordered a Lyra-C5 for a friend (also from laser glow), was not as happy with it. It is plenty bright and also seems well constructed, but the beam is very "dirty". By dirty I mean that there are "blobs" of green light in a 6 inch radius around the main beam, like the crystal is bad or dirty. Sent laserglow an email saying that I want to trade it in for a new one, we will see how it goes.
MrDoo said:
I got the Galileo-5 from laser glow today, it is awesome (well for a 5mw anyway) crisp and bright beam and dot, very sturdy construction. Could not be happier with a 5mw, well if it was cheaper, that would make me happy.

I also ordered a Lyra-C5 for a friend (also from laser glow), was not as happy with it. It is plenty bright and also seems well constructed, but the beam is very "dirty". By dirty I mean that there are "blobs" of green light in a 6 inch radius around the main beam, like the crystal is bad or dirty. Sent laserglow an email saying that I want to trade it in for a new one, we will see how it goes.
in a dark room can you see the beam from the light if you look straight down from right behind? I can see a faint beam on my 5mW just like i can on my 50mW, but for some odd reason i cant see it on my 20mW, i think i just got a crappy 20mW, its so temperature sensitive its almost like it had separation issues
