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free Teenie burner.


May 4, 2007
Hahaha ok I got your attention.  To the first person that can help me find an inexpensive replacement switch for the Kryton barrels gets a free Tiny burner as seen here: (http://www.laserpointerforums.com/forums/YaBB.pl?num=1225675954/0#0)

here is the clicky that is being replaced.  The failure rate on this so far has been about 20-40%
Now. it cannot just be any old clicky. It has to be almost identical to the existing clicky. I'll then order a few and if they do turn out to be a good replacement the winner will be awarded the laser.

Preciate the help guys and gals.

Ya but I haven't had a red burner in 3 months!!  WAAAAA!! :'(   just kidding   ::)

EDIT: but I seriously haven't had a red burner in like 3 months
Ok it cannot be a different source for the same silly clicky. If the fail rate of the specified clicky is high it's going to be high from a different supplier. Same clicky same fail rate. Need a higher quality clicky. One that will plop right into place of the existing clicky but not have a high failure rate. So while 95% of those suggestions were good. They were also the same clicky.

Keep trying.
TacomanMcjab said:
try here : http://www.apem.com/     They give free samples so you can test them  out for free.   They are also very high quality I have ordered a few samples myself.

(me wants a laser  :D)

The Sealed Momentary Pushbutton Switches look promising but I havn't got the time to go through one by one and find a suitable replacement.  Hence the reason I'm offering a free laser to the person that finds me one.  One disadvantage of looking at places like this though is they are not designed for flashlight clickies. What we need to look for is a flashlight replacement clicky.

Let me shed some light on what it has to fit into.  the inside diameter of the barrels clicky placement is 16mm.  It is 13mm down to the top of the clicky retaining ring and must be just like the other switch in that it is such and such thick  I've drawn in the pertinent dimensions on the switch.  it does not have to be EXACTLY like it.  Just so long as it will work as a replacement of.


  • sku_5632_3.jpg
    21.5 KB · Views: 360
TacomanMcjab said:

Looks good all by itself. Sadly, won't fit into the Kryton barrel.
