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Easy/Cheap Focus Adapter Tutorial

Nov 5, 2007
Tools Required: Glue or epoxy (NO SUPER GLUE), pliers or strong thin fingers. That's it.
Here is the laser I bought which came with the tips. The laser is dead so I made use of the tips.





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Thats a nice little adapter that probably wont burn your fingers like the Aixiz

Goodjob :D

You might want to add this:

Dont use super/crazy glue. When they dry off they leave marks on your lens and destroy it. The best thing to use is probably epoxy.
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Yes you are correct. I have lost a lens to superglue a time or two. I have epoxy that I should have used. You can use superglue without ruining the lens but epoxy is better all around. Epoxy will last longer as well. Especially on a part that gets a lot of action.

I just dont wanna see any people ruining lenses. Those Jayrob ones especially.

+1 :)
Lucky some one mentioned NOT to use Crazy Glue...
I was starting to freak out :eek: when I first read it...:yh:

About superglue, there's 2 ways for not ruin lenses, as far as i've descovered on my own skin (and lenses :p)

First way, is to have the lens TOTALLY clean, and i mean, absolutely no residuates of any type, especially mist or finger oil, then use it in a constant air flow (the "deposit" that superglue left on the lens reacting with anything there's on the surface, cannot form if there are no residuates on the surface and the lens is kept in an airflow until totally dried)

In alternative, Loctite make 3 different specific formulations of superglues for optical / no-halo use, called 403 (standard), 408 (capillar, penetrates almost everywhere) and 460 (low viscosity) ..... still to be used in ventilated ambient, but with almost no halo also in normal conditions.
So what glues SHOULD we use?

Also, the Sillicone flashlight tailcaps we use as lens covers, will they still fit?
So what glues SHOULD we use?

Also, the Sillicone flashlight tailcaps we use as lens covers, will they still fit?

If it's the same size as the star cap I have then yes the clicky covers fit. It does look to be the same one.
I stand corrected. That's interesting I thought that one was the same size as the one I have.

Edit: Added photo's of my starcap with dustcover. This is one from the <$15.00 Amazon (No dimples) pen.



I think I see what is going on now. I had one of the switch covers with the little nib on the inside cut down. Unmodified ones won't fit, but if you take the cover and turn it inside out and slice most of the "post" off, it fits. At least on mine. :)
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Oh right. Jcranmer, that's what i meant. With the thingy cut out.

Yobresal's one seems to be slightly curved at the top, and yours seems to be flat... or is that just the way the pics are taken?
Oh right. Jcranmer, that's what i meant. With the thingy cut out.

Yobresal's one seems to be slightly curved at the top, and yours seems to be flat... or is that just the way the pics are taken?

Yeah I think you are right. Mine is perfectly flat on top.
