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DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

Hey Daedal,

Can you do me a favor when you get the chance? I would like to know the blue-ray diode pinouts. If you can can you complete this picture. Anyone else is welcome to do it if they know. Oh, and are the phazor diodes the same as the Senkat diode pinouts?



  • blue-ray.jpg
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Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

Got the diodes and modules today, thanks DDL. Now all I need is that most critical component . . . time :)
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

amkdeath said:
IgorT, I pushed it to 52mA, and it is going at 20mW right now!! Idont know if I should push it more....
no signs of heat increase, or damage!

Hey, that is wonderfull news!!! It gives me hope. :) 20mW would be wonderfull to have.
52mA is not very dangerous, but i really wouldn't recommend going any further.. Just be happy it's not bad afterall.

Heat is really not an issue with these reader diodes, because of the relatively low power going in. 5V*0.052A=0.260W - 20mW = 0.240W
This means only slightly less than a quarter of a Watt is being dissipated as heat, as opposed to reds, where it's almost 1W with the open cans, so the AixiZ module does all the heatsinking a BR reader needs.

Once we have more powerfull Blue Ray burners, they will heat up much more even if the current is lower current than with the reds. That's gonna be fun! :)
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

aaronX987 said:
Can you do me a favor when you get the chance? I would like to know the blue-ray diode pinouts. If you can can you complete this picture. Anyone else is welcome to do it if they know. Oh, and are the phazor diodes the same as the Senkat diode pinouts?

I don't have time to edit the pic right now, but i just looked at my zombie diode, and looking at your pic:
- the pin at the bottom is gnd
- the pin at the bottom right is BlueRay! ;)
- the pin at the bottom left is red
- the pin at the top right is IR
- the remaining pin is the photo diode.

EDIT: Yep, i just verified it, by hooking up my zombie to an unregulated boost circuit (i really don't care what happens to it anymore), and the above mentioned pinout is correct.. And the zombie is still undead. It has company of a red zombie now..

The Phazors are the same as all reds.
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

Here it is.

Just cut off the "not-used" pins.


  • blue-ray_001.jpg
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Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

Thanks amkdeath,

What are the unused pins for? ::)
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

Ok, once again:
- the pin at the bottom is gnd
- the pin at the bottom right is BlueRay!  
- the pin at the bottom left is red
- the pin at the top right is IR
- the remaining pin is the photo diode.

Or if you really don't want to read, here is the edited pic:


  • BLUE-RAY_001.JPG
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Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

another pic


  • pinout_001.jpg
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Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

Daedal said:
All orders are on their way to you, or are getting ready to be on their way to you...

It's all good...No rush.
I'm still working on the driver PCBs.
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

And before anyone asks, the red is probably not worth messing with, as it's a very low mW output, like a key chain red. :)
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

IgorT said:
I don't have time to edit the pic right now, but i just looked at my zombie diode, and looking at your pic:
- the pin at the bottom is gnd
- the pin at the bottom right is BlueRay! ;)
- the pin at the bottom left is red
- the pin at the top right is IR
- the remaining pin is the photo diode.

EDIT: Yep, i just verified it, by hooking up my zombie to an unregulated boost circuit (i really don't care what happens to it anymore), and the above mentioned pinout is correct.. And the zombie is still undead. It has company of a red zombie now..

The Phazors are the same as all reds.

I am soooooo sorry IgorT. :-[ :-[ :-[
I must have been blind yesterday.
I thank you very very much.
Now I feel like crap making you repeat yourself. :'( :'( :'(
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

So, for the red in the blue-ray diode. Is it an Ok red or is it a worthless red? Can purple be achieved easily or would this be too complicated. (I mean easily as in using blue fusions driver and just adjusting the POT.) Then again, even if it is possible it may not focus correctly due to the difference in wavelengths. right?
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

the whole point of this diode is the violet... the red just plain SUCKS!!

LOL im in my "lab"... I am soldering a lead into my 20mW blu.... suddenly BAM ka boom boo mboom

The shock caused me to pull back in horror, while holding the negative lead... there goes the negative pin on the diode... But that shouldn't be a problem right? well, around a few hundred mili-seconds later, (while I am still shocked) another sound comes booming: "GET TO YOUR ROOM AND F*ING CLEAN IT UP BEFORE I GET ANGRY!!!!! <emphasis?> "

and there goes the second lead on my diode... :'( so I popped my second one in, and its going at 20mW at 57mW.

Im gonna lock the door to m "lab" next time....
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *

amkdeath said:
and there goes the second lead on my diode...  :'( so I popped my second one in, and its going at 20mW at 57mW.
Im gonna lock the door to m "lab" next time....

If you ever watched that movie Assasin (i think it was Assasin or Assasins with Stalone?), where he is assembling a bomb, and his cat jumps on something, making a lot of noise.. He doesn't even twitch.

That's how you're supposed to work with LDs.. ;) I am usually so focused, that nothing can disturb me.

Anyway, did you manage to resurect it? I would definatelly try. Once some solder flowed down the leg on one of mine and shorted it to the base, and i spent an hour cleaning it. But it can be done.. It's just not very sturdy afterwards, so you have to fix the wires somehow.
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

aaronX987 said:
Now I feel like crap making you repeat yourself. :'( :'( :'(
If i didn't want to, i wouldn't. Besides i wanted to edit the pic anyway, i just didn't have time the previous night, as it was late.

Please don't worry about it. I didn't want to make you feel bad, and i also miss entire posts sometimes. :)
Re: DONE *** Feb. 9, 2008  NEW BluRay GB... *** D

Oh, and BTW, the red in these diodes is not really that bad..

Of course you can not expect a burner out of a reader, but it produces a much nicer, brighter and thicker red beam, than the 5mW AixiZ, that we hammer out of these modules.

I tried it when i zombified the BlueRay end, and it was very nice. It would definatelly be good for a pointer. I didn't have a meter back then tho, so i don't know how much it is. And i think one of them died at 70 or 80mA. If i would have to guess, i would say 15-20mW.

I used a tiny LED light host (3x LR44 button cell), and converted it to a pointer using this diode, to give to a friend as a gift. He likes it very much and i felt a little bit better about killing the BR part.. :)

I know i repeat this a lot, but: Do NOT use a PSU to power the driver circuit! It puts ES and D together by providing a path to the ground.
