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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

completely useless thread...

I don't always run my LED's at high current, but when I do they turn into lasers.

I'm not even going to post in that thread because 1. how do you, really? and 2. It sounds way too much like a troll especially with the MSPaint pic.

Edit: I lied. Couldn't resist lol
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^^^No paid parking only. $10 for the first half hour, $8 for every half hour after that.

What I actually had to pay for parking last time I used a paid lot:(
totally pointless...... right up my alley! But I got a chuckle stumbling across this too

EDIT: this could possibly be the 1st unhijackable thread. Trollproof even..... you think?
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I wish I could laser my pet rock. Well actually I used to when I built my first 405.
I don't use homerow key positioning, but rather let my left hand rest on wert and my right hand on hjkl. Try it it works a lot better.
