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Community Focus Knob - Group Buy - 2 packs left

Re: Community Focus Knob - Group Development / Group Buy - Take two :)

oh awesome!

Re: Community Focus Knob - Group Development / Group Buy - Take two :)

GUYS GUYS GUYS...good news very good news RHD!!!!!!

tap and thread error is negligible. I scoured the forums on their website and apperently 2 others posted there the same problem we have. The tech responded by saying that the error is due to the conventional tapered tap, but if the project requires, a bottoming tap is used instead therefore making it possible to make the 3mm deep threads. The response is from tech support so im sure its legit. I am certain now that we can proceed despite that error. So the only thing missing now is the community feedback.

link to the forum on emachineshop
Re: Community Focus Knob - Group Development / Group Buy - Take two :)

How would you guys feel about me posting our current design on their forum for feedback on whether we had made any errors?

It would mean releasing our creation files outside of this community / forum, but the upside is that we might get some valuable input. I don't want to do it unless others are comfortable with that.
Re: Community Focus Knob - Group Development / Group Buy - Take two :)

well i think that those outside the forum dont understand our needs and such. They wont know of our design goals and the little things that a laser enthusiast would want in a focus ring. I think feedback here is good enough. But did you check out the thread on the tap issue...at least we can rest assured the error message doesnt matter.
Re: Community Focus Knob - Group Development / Group Buy - Take two :)

I thought this design was a go for some time now.
Sorry I'm not fluent at all in matters CAD/CNC.
I think you both have been doing a great job.

I won't be in the GB, generalized lack of funds.
Re: Community Focus Knob - Group Development / Group Buy - Take two :)

I did - and I actually feel pretty good about it. I think I would be comfortable going forward. In fact, I think what I would do, is update OP with pricing, and info on how to send payment to you. I would also attach the files themselves, as a zip, to the OP - so that everyone taking part could take it upon themselves to check it all out. Make sense?
Re: Community Focus Knob - Group Development / Group Buy - Take two :)

Ok, OP updated - let's see how the collection of funds proceeds :)

Don't get discouraged if this takes a bit of time - a lot of people need some warning to get together $50.
Re: Community Focus Knob - Group Development / Group Buy - Take two :)

OK guys the man has said it. Lets get through with payments asap. there is a 24 day lead time. 180 pcs left to go!!! cmon folks!!!
Re: Community Focus Knob - Group Development / Group Buy - Take two :)

ohh rhd, as a suggestion, you should add in the title that the design is final and that payments can be made. anslem's post made me think alot of people were waiting on this but lost patience or lost track if it so the updated title might help alert those interested that everything is finalized.

EDIT: Im trying to do my part in spreading the word. I added a link to this thread in my sig.
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Re: Community Focus Knob - Group Development / Group Buy - Take two :)

You know, as I think about this, I'm wondering if it might be easier for people to get involved if we had a $30, 5x pcs option?

That's totally your call since you'd have to ship more packages (assuming some people chose that option), but I think it might be easier for people to get on board with a $30 investment, vs $50. Let me know what you think?

I'll adjust the subject/title, and also add it to my signature too.
Re: Community Focus Knob - Group Development / Group Buy - Take two :)

hey if it helps those who can't buy the full 10 get a peice of the pie too then sure i dont mind shipping out extra packages... then let it be known!!! those wanting to purchase 5pcs it will come out to $30.
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Re: Community Focus Knob - Group Buy - COLLECTING PAYMENTS!

Sweet! Ok, I think we're setup now!
Re: Community Focus Knob - Group Buy - COLLECTING PAYMENTS!

How do you take payment ?
Re: Community Focus Knob - Group Buy - COLLECTING PAYMENTS!

I would like to pay for 20
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Re: Community Focus Knob - Group Buy - COLLECTING PAYMENTS!

I need till friday.
Re: Community Focus Knob - Group Buy - COLLECTING PAYMENTS!

first off, we want to take a list of people who want it and how many. just post in this thread how many peices you will be interested in and we will list you. Once 150 peices have been reserved I can start taking payments. right now the minimum quantity purchased is 5pcs.
