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Collecting money on brand new S1 lenses

while NOT exactly the 'Hall of Shame' (YET)

I would hope des guys would pay up ASAP


NOT Paid


Flaminpyro 10
gif 5

IMHO we do not have to 'worry' about either of these members at all- they are 'good' for it-

:beer:S'all good

just sayin';)

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Payment sent and PM sent!

NOTE to all in this GB-- where is your payment???

July 1 was choosen as the pay date=

I am surpized that many have not yet paid --normally at this time in a GB only a few have NOT paid instead of the other way around-


Geez Hakzaw1 I just got the email :yabbem: Give me a break :p

Edit: Didn't you read that they said they weren't taking payments on the 1st but in a few days?
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'c'mon DaveGimmie a break ....

I am only Messin' with you guys!!

in GBs there are always those that pay quick and some that need more time
I always get members wanting to pay BEFORE I have called for the funds
& quite often , if i allow that, they soon begin to get real 'antsy' A sure sign that this member should NOT join GBs.

And I also cannot always give a date that the GB closes
Nor can i count 100% on all to have their $$ ready to send- If my minimum but is say 10 pcs I do not close until I have them and another 10/20%
STUFF HAPPENS and money can be used for other needs while waiting for the GB to close-

Wives find out

better deals come along (just how is a GB host supposed to know ABOUT THOSE??)

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great can I remove you from my list?? lol

sending out hit-kids (can't afford a 'real' hit man) and they will be throwing some eggs at the houses of those not paid (Justin Beiber style)

Some in my past GB were like kids jumping up & down in the back seat saying:
'are we there yet-are we there yet- are we there yet!'
& I have replied: ' I SWEAR, IF YOU KIDS DONT SHUT THE HELL UP i WILL PULL THIS CAR OVER AND WHIP YOUR BUTTS' ( wish I had a quarter for every time my dad said that to me & my brother.

i think some were sitting at thier PCs watching the 'PAID' list--

I try to forget it is going on & wait for the tracking number to be sent to me--

checking the thread every few days at most-

just like when buying from O-like send the $$ and try to forget you paid for something-

makes the 'wait' seem shorter. If you are good at this you make actually forget and a few times I had to open the package to see what I got- yay!!

Current record holder for longest delivery time is Luke 'yobersal' (< spell that backwords if you have not aleady-)
He paid for a HUGE order of red pointer pens that got siezed by US Customs- when they released and sent them on to Cal. it was~ 2 years later-
the price had dropped a LOT on these and Luke almost gave them away--prolly NOT wanting them around to remind him of the ordeal...

I got ~ half my 32 green pointers 3 months after San Fran customs grabbed them for being more than 5mW funny part- almost all the ones they did allow me to FINALLY have were also > 5 mW--++

I was able to speak with a Customs agent there and he actually had more questions than i did-They were pretty much ignorant about lasers- were not really sure if mine were really harmful- & never heard of reverse polarity- proper eye protection etc I was offered a chance to pay a big amt of $$ and come to SF to object to the seizure- right - travel from Texas and pay more than the value of the lasers --

BUT it did have a sorta good ending as the sellers in China refunded me the cost of those that were taken ( but NOT ther shipping)--

FYI not for a minute do i think that customs agent take home items seized
its a cushy job- good benifits- security cameras are everywhere there- computers NEVER forget- all destroyed items are carefullt=y recorded and sevewral would have to be involved- for a 4 $ pointer-


well worth the risk of getting fired and charged with a felony at best or a Federal Offence at worst-

I have friends that work for the USPS and they tell me its extremely hard to steal at work - and never worth it--
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just like when buying from O-like send the $$ and try to forget you paid for something-


:crackup: :crackup: ROFL ! That is so true and that is exactly what I do. It's always a nice surprise though when it shows up :)

while NOT exactly the 'Hall of Shame' (YET)

I would hope des guys would pay up ASAP


NOT Paid

Dr Evil
Lighting Staker

S'all good

just sayin'

There I am :( On the Hall of Shame :( It says IWIRE. *sniff, sniff* That's me. :(
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Phil, I need your address as soon as possible. It wasn't on the PP sent, so I have your parcel ready to go and nowhere to send t.
Payment sent earlier today, must just take time for eitan to notice, remove me from tha nasty list please, haha
I know several of you have paid and want off the not paid yet list, but I have to wait until Eitan emails me and gives me the list. Sorry, I'll get to it as soon as I hear from him.
