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CNI 1W 447nm PGL-III-C

Is the output rectangular like the DIY 445 builds without corrective optics, or does this use corrective optics?

Is the output rectangular like the DIY 445 builds without corrective optics, or does this use corrective optics?

I´m going to talk to Ava according the correction optics. I can´t tell you if the laser has the same rectangular dot like the DIY builts, cause I didn´t saw a 445nm DIY in reality. Maybe you PM me some links to pics of DIY dots, then I can tell you :)
Her is a picture of my DIY dot at 25 feet.
Yup, that looks about like what everyone's getting for DIY... Still waiting to see what CNI's result really is; either way I want to get one of these, just not sure which one. :)
That picture doesn't show much without a ruler for reference. I'll try and take a pic of my DIY build...

Here you go.

Out of curiosity, how does a ruler help figuring out weather we are looking at a dot, square, or rectangle?:thinking:

I thought he was just asking for a general shape.

405-G-1 lens at 25-30 feet

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405-G-1 lens @ 30 feet

AixiZ 405nm Glass lens @ 30 feet

Huh. Strange, Dave. Both my Aixiz 405 and my 405-G-1 focus to the 'line', and don't give the 'dot'...
Here you go.

Out of curiosity, how does a ruler help figuring out weather we are looking at a dot, square, or rectangle?:thinking:

I thought he was just asking for a general shape.

405-G-1 lens at 25-30 feet


Because even if corrective optics are used, they may not fully circularize the beam. Instead, they may just minimize the rectangularish shape.
Because even if corrective optics are used, they may not fully circularize the beam. Instead, they may just minimize the rectangularish shape.

I assume this is why some expect the dot to be a square?
It looks near like a dot with the 405-G-1 lens, but without the convexity in the middle. Testing surface (GF teddy) was a bit curved, but I´m searching for a better surface + using the goggles for the camera. The laser was about 30feet away, dot-size is 1.7-1.8cm.

The dot is on a diffuse surface in that shot, but it does appear to have an oval shape. Could be the fuzz in the fabric, so I'm not sure because it could be a line that is diffuse.
Update with a shot on a black surface, vids and steam pics
