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CAD renderings of laser components [PIC HEAVY]

Sep 28, 2010
Years ago I learned how to use Solidworks for a prototype design class. After the years went by I completely forgot how to use the software.

But A few weeks ago I decided to figure it all out again. I used laser components as my practice parts.

Anyway here are the results.















The parts all for my "Model IV" Lasers. The parts are modeled individually I just used mostly pictures of the complete assembly.

Anyone is welcome to use the renderings (pictures) as they wish but please give credit when possible. I will not be giving away the actual CAD files though sorry.

Thanks for looking everyone!
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Wow! Great work mate! I really like the second one, great explanatory graphic. 1+ if I can.
Thanks everyone. After doing the laser parts I was a little afraid to try to do the host. It has a lot more little features to it to get right. But it was actually a lot easier than I thought.
I've improved the cutaway rendering with a 3 element lens and added a zoomed in cutaway rendering.
Well most of the light scattered would be reflections off of the diode window and lens. But relatively speaking that doesn't reflect much light at all (in comparison to the full output).

With that said, it does become illuminated in that chamber, yes. But as it is a 3d cad drawing, solid objects are the main concern.

I appreciate any and all criticism though, thanks for your thoughts!
Well most of the light scattered would be reflections off of the diode window and lens. But relatively speaking that doesn't reflect much light at all (in comparison to the full output).

With that said, it does become illuminated in that chamber, yes. But as it is a 3d cad drawing, solid objects are the main concern.

I appreciate any and all criticism though, thanks for your thoughts!

Naww im just messin W ya lol :D
Thanks Cheech!

Actually I haven't tried creating an animation. I'll look into it when I get a moment. Thanks for the video and idea.

I'm using SW 2012 as well.
Wow, very nice. Modeling is one thing, but you really knocked it out of the part with those nice renderings.
why you so awesome bro?

Loved it. Those pictures explain the whole laser build process and it's workings.
