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Beatbox Sickness

Re: Sickness

Don't know Reggie Watts only know (Photon Watts)...
but that guy is good...:pop:

Re: Sickness

I did several years of stage pyro for Rammstein, they have pyro in every song and in some songs some of them light them selves on fire, a very over the top show indeed !
The only contract I ever seen in years of doing close prox pyro that read "if pyro can not go on the show will not go on !" these boys took there pyro seriously !!!
what the hell there hard headed germans :scowl:

sorry, i prefer death metal and rammstein.
Re: Sickness

beardyman was at shambhala this year!

Unfortunately the first link is blocked in the US for some reason, but the second is pretty sweet! Blending the old with the new..
Bummer :thinking: , just type beatbox kitchen and it should come up on youtube
