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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

As of an hour ago...

Jun 17, 2008


Looks like Im committed to a DIY now.

Dont ask why Im up at 1AM too...

EDIT: I also made a new jingle, see my sig.

poor australians, atleast you have that cool jimgle to cheer you up.

Most people including me think it will blow over anyway, and if the ban doesnt work they will probably give up on it.

I'd say try getting a permit. Get a $50 telescope and claim to be an amateur astronomer. Worth a try?
You could try, he could pass 30mW of green for that purpose, he could also get some 5mW greens and change the stickers, same goes for his red just get some 5mW stickers from here or you could just buy some cheap pointers that are class IIIa and they would pass customs.

My god, I'm so glad my RPLs arrived in time. I picked them up less than 12 hours before the ban went in to effect, now that's cutting it fine :o

Though, at the rate I'm going my RPL-400 will need to be returned to be fixed up :( .... rats...
But still. RPL-400, that's some serious laser there. I won't be sleeping well while that things in shipping :-/
I know neither would I, its a shame that its broken, it must be shipping damage, jack would have tested it before giving you it.

Well, it was second hand. But the guy I got it from tested it too and it was fine, so yeah it's probably shipping damage. Maybe one of the crystals got misaligned.

On a side note, I was just power testing my RPL-300 and I thought "Hmm, I can barely feel my 290mW red when I put my finger in front of it, I wonder what will happen here..."

And it HURT >:( Which is totally awesome! ;D
;D yeah, your skin absorbs far more green than it does red, and it absorbs practically no IR. It would absorb a hell of a lot of Blu-Ray.

I dont think you will be putting your hand in that beam again anyway !

Diachi said:
I dont think you will be putting your hand in that beam again anyway !


I probably will go again, knowing me :)

Hey, I just got a cool idea :) We could use pain as a way to test lasers for those without power meters :) How much pain you feel could give a rough idea of output power!

Of course, people feel pain differently. We'll calibrate it with a swift kick in the nuts! ;D

Any takers?
loll, I check by how quickly it burns my skin, if it can burn my skin unaided , quickly, then I know its 70mw or >.

I like your idea better though murudai , with the calibration, I wont try it out though ;D

Damn I need an RPL, I have cravings for an RPL !!


post what the media say about it , later on that is e.g. in the morning.

