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Antimatter falls down ..... til it touch the floor, then ANYTHING around start to "fall up" at very high speed ..... *KABOOM* .....

:p :D

(and LOL, this remember me the legend about sandarta and the Kundingas :p :D)
Antimatter would theoretically fall down, as it has postive mass just like all other matter.

Practically, the only molecular antimatter that has been created is anti-hydrogen, which would still be a gas, lighter than air, so it would rise in the atmosphere just like hydrogen or helium. It will not get very far though, one interaction with ordinary matter and its gone.
Antimatter would theoretically fall down, as it has postive mass just like all other matter.

Practically, the only molecular antimatter that has been created is anti-hydrogen, which would still be a gas, lighter than air, so it would rise in the atmosphere just like hydrogen or helium. It will not get very far though, one interaction with ordinary matter and its gone.

This is the main point, that has been created ..... there's also "natural" antimatter, around (just thinking positrons, or anti-electrons, if you prefer) ..... we can't find it naturally, but this don't mean that it does not exist :p

And also anti-hydrogen rises only cause it's in the air, and is lighter than air ..... in the vacuum, subject to gravity, it still fall ;)

BTW, i don't remember now who, but a scentist theorized that if there's any molecule that have "negative mass", it will go reverse in time ..... i suppose that was a pure mathematical speculation, anyway (if not, can be a good long-life drink ..... "Antimass Beer, be Happy and Revert Your Age" ..... LOL)
Would a single molecule of hydrogen fall in a vacuum? I would think it would have enough energy to still "whiz" around the place.

I remember reading about the speculation of negative mass, it was pretty interesting. It would behave the exact opposite of something with positive mass, i.e. it would repel instead of attracting, etc. Cool stuff.
Now if only we could create something like that haha
I remember reading about the speculation of negative mass, it was pretty interesting. It would behave the exact opposite of something with positive mass, i.e. it would repel instead of attracting, etc. Cool stuff.
Now if only we could create something like that haha

Speculation is just that, speculation. Mass is an positive scalar magnitude. Think about the speed, it is always positive, but sometimes we put a negative sign on it due to its vectorial nature. Therefore a car running at 100mph to your left is slower than another car running at 100mph to your right due to its negative speed? Also if someone ask you for the square root of 4, have you ever answered -2? Equations are tools, and like any tool, we have to use them properly. Its fun tampering with signs, but maybe there are things more interesting than mass for get a negative sign, time, entropy, temperature (Kelvin scale), space, brightness, wavelength, current, resistors... You can have fun putting in the formulas negative values for this, but not more than fun. :)

If something is possible it doesn't have to be true.
Something that is true, is always possible. :thinking:
Speculation is just that, speculation. Mass is an positive scalar magnitude. Think about the speed, it is always positive, but sometimes we put a negative sign on it due to its vectorial nature. Therefore a car running at 100mph to your left is slower than another car running at 100mph to your right due to its negative speed? Also if someone ask you for the square root of 4, have you ever answered -2? Equations are tools, and like any tool, we have to use them properly. Its fun tampering with signs, but maybe there are things more interesting than mass for get a negative sign, time, entropy, temperature (Kelvin scale), space, brightness, wavelength, current, resistors... You can have fun putting in the formulas negative values for this, but not more than fun. :)

If something is possible it doesn't have to be true.
Something that is true, is always possible. :thinking:

Although while mass always would have a positive value, there are still tremendous forces at work in our universe yet to be directly experienced or understood. After all nobody knows what "Dark Energy" is, or how it works. All we truly know is there is a force accelerating the expansion of the universe. A force, powerful enough to overcome the combined gravity of all of the mass in the universe combined. This of course requires it to be the most common thing in the universe. "outweighing" all the regular mass-energy in the universe combined.

Catch is, we haven't directly observed it. Like Dark Matter, Dark energy seems to be observable in astronomical observations, yet in short local supply. Unlike Dark Matter, which would simply be any normal mass that simply is unseen by us to date, Dark Energy can be worked out by allowing for the possibility of repelling normal matter. Where all normal mass gravitates towards other mass, Dark Energy can be explained by it gravitating away from normal mass. While not necessarily the same as "negative mass," it would still "fall up." All current serious theories about it require it to exert a negative pressure on normal mass and energy.
Where all normal mass gravitates towards other mass, Dark Energy can be explained by it gravitating away from normal mass. While not necessarily the same as "negative mass," it would still "fall up." All current serious theories about it require it to exert a negative pressure on normal mass and energy.

Exactly. It is also suspected alterations in the Higgs field over time, like things were heavier in the older universe, this could also explain acceleration. This is for what the understanding of the Higgs' boson is so important. If there is a constant number of this bosons and space increases, (taking in mind that mass has lots to do with this particle) maybe this is the reason of mass traveling to the dark side of energy over time? at the end a universe full of non-mass particles? :confused:

As mass is just the friction of particles with the Higgs boson... what happens to the Higgs field inside a blackhole? keep invariant? I think not.

For antimatter happens the same thing, but in this universe the condensation of energy in mass is dominantly right-handed so little few antimatter, and of course little positronium. Why is there so much matter an so little antimatter? Answer is this universe was created this way, or not? :eg:
Now if only we could create something like that haha

For a moment (just for a moment :eg:) i had the temptation to post, as example, a very bad pic of a very fat and extremely ugly "girl", and ask you if it repel you enough :na: ..... but i'm a gentleman (sorta of :p), and this is a public access forum, so, better not .....

:p :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
Ok so I am not expert on this subject but love to speculate. And I got to thinking about what Hawking says can happen to matter in a blackhole. Since information cannot be destroyed it has to go somewhere and some obviously escapes in the form of radiation but that does not account for all the matter when a blackhole evaporates over time.

What if there was a Universe on the other side of our fabric of space but where all the matter had been condensed into one (and I will coin the phrase) Super Critical Blackhole that was so heavy that it tore a hole in the fabric of space and shot out its utterly destroyed matter in the form of energy on the other side like a white hole. Thus creating our universe. And when there was no longer enough matter in the blackhole on the other side to keep the tear in space open is seals leaving enough mass to create a universe of negatively warped space because the blackhole on the other side still was warping the space down on its side. Leaving the energy of our universe running down the sides of this inversely warped space like lava rolling down the side of a volcano. It would appear to us in this universe as if there were some force expanding the matter apart faster and faster.

Ok so probably a dumb idea. Let the picking apart begin.;) There has to be at least one good thought in there.
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Speculation Therefore a car running at 100mph to your left is slower than another car running at 100mph to your right due to its negative speed? :)

If something is possible it doesn't have to be true.
Something that is true, is always possible. :thinking:

100mph car >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
100mph car >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

why would the one on one side be slower?

or perhaps one passing you in your direction and one going in the opposite direction?
Ok so I am not expert on this subject but love to speculate. And I got to thinking about what Hawking says can happen to matter in a blackhole. Since information cannot be destroyed it has to go somewhere and some obviously escapes in the form of radiation but that does not account for all the matter when a blackhole evaporates over time.

What if there was a Universe on the other side of our fabric of space but where all the matter had been condensed into one (and I will coin the phrase) Super Critical Blackhole that was so heavy that it tore a hole in the fabric of space and shot out its utterly destroyed matter in the form of energy on the other side like a white hole. Thus creating our universe. And when there was no longer enough matter in the blackhole on the other side to keep the tear in space open is seals leaving enough mass to create a universe of negatively warped space because the blackhole on the other side still was warping the space down on its side. Leaving the energy of our universe running down the sides of this inversely warped space like lava rolling down the side of a volcano. It would appear to us in this universe as if there were some force expanding the matter apart faster and faster.

Ok so probably a dumb idea. Let the picking apart begin.;) There has to be at least one good thought in there.

If the mass at the center of a black hole was shot into another universe, then the mass would no longer be there to exert the gravity to keep it as a black hole..... meaning if you relocate the mass, the black hole would no longer exist.

information can not be destroyed, but matter can be interchanged with energy. As the black hole loses energy through hawking radiation, this energy is from the total mass at the center. Eventually all the mass at the center of any given black hole will be emitted as hawking radiation and the black hole will finish "evaporating"
If the mass at the center of a black hole was shot into another universe, then the mass would no longer be there to exert the gravity to keep it as a black hole..... meaning if you relocate the mass, the black hole would no longer exist.

Of course this is just a random thought. But I did say that it stopped pushing matter into the other universe before all the mass was gone from the black hole. And that the matter was expelled into this universe as pure energy not matter. And yes in the end all blackholes will evaporate via radiation but that takes a very long time.

information can not be destroyed, but matter can be interchanged with energy. As the black hole loses energy through hawking radiation, this energy is from the total mass at the center. Eventually all the mass at the center of any given black hole will be emitted as hawking radiation and the black hole will finish "evaporating"

I think the main thought I was having was that maybe our universe exists on a negatively warped space like looking at a large mound. Possibly explaining why matter seems to be accelerating away from the center of the universe as it rolls down the sides of the mound building speed.

Or I could just be very misguided.:rolleyes:
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Antimatter would theoretically fall down, as it has postive mass just like all other matter.

An antiparticle DOES have negative mass. That is why subatomic particle-antiparticle pairs can randomly appear and then annihilate each other.

The net energy of the interaction is 0


So since the antiparticle has negative mass, the net mass is zero and thus both sides of the equation are zero and Einsteins equation is not violated.

As to how antimatter reacts to gravity, well consider Hawking Radiation. If a proton-antiproton pair appear close to the event horizon of a black hole, it turns out that the proton will have just enough energy to escape but the antiproton will get sucked in. This is why Black holes give off radiation, or black body radiation.

I think that regardless of the sign of the mass gravity is an attractive force, like the nuclear forces, it does not have polarity like the electromagnetic forces.

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For a moment (just for a moment :eg:) i had the temptation to post, as example, a very bad pic of a very fat and extremely ugly "girl", and ask you if it repel you enough :na: ..... but i'm a gentleman (sorta of :p), and this is a public access forum, so, better not .....

:p :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
Haha, thank you sooo much for not posting that :P

An antiparticle DOES have negative mass.

Umm are you sure about that? Everything I have read on the subject of antimatter states clearly that antimatter has positive mass. Are you sure you aren't thinking of antimatter having the opposite spin and charge of their counterpart "normal" particle?
