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405nm pen sold for .01 on eeKbay

Thanks styro but this is a violet laser not a 5mW DX.
What makes you think this violet laser is the same as the green one? That's kind of a blind assumption isn't it? No offense, but did you read somewhere that they are the same? Has someone modded these successfully?
when I bought 5 of these a month ago nothing about the violet and green lasers were the same except for the case. I am fully aware how to open most green lasers without doing any damage to the case.

I have bought 5 5mW violet lasers from ebay and tore them open.
The star tip and this one are identical aside from the end cap. there are other 5mW violets on ebay that can easily be modded but this is not one of them.
If you wish to learn then please read. If you wish to assume you know everything then buy 10 of these are then shred the case open to get to the insides.

Here are the differences for those of you who don't know.
If you try to remove the module from the end cap the end cap simply pops off and you reveal the recessed laser module about 3/4 inch into the head of the laser.
You will notice what appears to be the focus ring of an aixiz module.
These lasers use a generic aixiz module. Looks very very similar. Even has a metal focus ring. The plastic lens however is all screwed up so that you will not be able to adjust the focus more than a slight turn if you are lucky.
The circumference of this generic module is wrapped with a thin brass ring. This makes it an extremely tight fit in the tube of the laser....extremely tight Should be easy enough to slide out right. Well that is not the case. They are also adhered to the case. Big time. So your options are to push it out the end cap, or through the front. If you try to push it through the front you will likely bust the driver, if you try to push it out the tail cap you will get stuck on the metal button. If you manage to get the metal button to fall between the plastic switch and the module onto the driver board inside the housing then you still have to get past the pocket clip so that will need to be removed. If you get past the button and pocket clip and get the module out without damaging the case then kudos to you. Now you need to check how bad you fucked up the plastic focus ring by pushing the module in. Remember it is like an axis module so if you push really hard on it the plastic threading will not stand the pressure.
I wish you all luck with this mod but i must let you know that even when I tore the case apart it took me a good 15-20 minutes to pry the metal off of the circumference of the module.

Have fun Slipstream. Hopefully for your sake they have changed their design since I last attempted to mod these.
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Sorry Yobresal, I just assumed that this laser was built like all of the other violet NewWish pens, I guess I was wrong. I have a violet pointer from DX that has parts on the inside that resemble an Aixiz module like the lens(it's not a complete Aixiz module though), and it was tougher to get apart than the greens ones, but it still came apart with some force.
No need to apologize. I thought that you had never attempted this and were making an assumption but it sounds like you have modded one of these in which case I owe you an apology.
I just don't want people to get the wrong idea about these lasers and then end up wasting their money trying to mod them. If you have a violet Newwish laser like this and have successfully removed the module without destroying the case or the module please let us know how or maybe give a tutorial. These really are a bargain and they have a lot of potential hidden inside the case. Perhaps you have succeeded where I have failed....hard.
I wish you luck and really hope you get some that have only been press fitted and not adhered to the case.
Thanks for all the info-Luke-would not be worth the aggrivation-too bad somebody cant go to the factory and just buy the 'insides'. btw would it be doable to cut away the host just to expose the driver? then heatsink the top part into a new host?-hak
Hmmm, I might have to snipe one of these lasers off of eBay for a potential pot/focus mod, at ten bucks I can't go wrong. If I can figure out a way to get these lasers apart there might be a way to make these things focusable along with a pot mod, kinda like the old Pulsars.
405nm @ 5mW for one red cent :thinking: i would of ordered in bulk lol thats 100 laser pens
for a dollar!!!! imagine if you decided to splurge , say , 10 bucks .... you could turn them over for a very reasonable price of $10 a piece ... the ten bucks for shipping or whatever it would be wouldn't even matter when you just turned 1 Hamilton into $10,000. that's 100,000x profit. think about this , whoever sold the pen for one cent must have made some kind of profit, (unless it was a blatant typographical error) therefore if all due process was intentional it's only natural to assume that china is manufacturing these items for only a fraction of one cent.

by the way, Hamilton was the 1st Secretary of the U.S. Treasury.... lol
They made the money on shipping charges.

even though ten bucks is a great price for this...

I cut this quote from the listing....

ebay said:
"Please note that S/H charges can not be combined with other auctions "

so the purchase of 100 pointers would cost 1000 dollars shipping.
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"so the purchase of 100 pointers would cost 1000 dollars shipping."

There ya go.

Plus, it prolly cost them pennies on the dollar to mass produce them.

The sleeping (capitalist) dragon slowly awakes!:shhh:
i think the seller has more listed at .88 to open rather than a penny but shipping is still 10$ per w / no discount ---so 10 units would cost 108.80 if no one bid them up any higher AND as Luke(Yobs) tells us they are not easily pot modable(so far)hopefully we will hear back from those who just ordered/won some.--hak
wow you guys , it was a facetious statement. but its good evidence of the insane profit margin that the middle man makes . i have sourced through some Chinese distributors for penny lasers but no luck yet. it would help if i could read Chinese tho. i wonder if i could get a cheap translator :crackup:
