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22x LG 3.5mm build YES! it works!

Jul 4, 2008
Ok, you red laser fans, I was in town yesterday and decided to try a 22x LG build.
These driver have a 3.5mm diode LOC in them which will never fit into an axiz housing, or will it?

Well, I decide instead of taking out the diode from it's sink, I left it in.

I secured the heatsink with silver solder to the back of the module and then after it cooled down added silver epoxy. PERFECT! The optical characteristics are more than useable!

So, don't go ripping out those mini LOCs from their heatsinks instead mod your housings!

Pics coming shortly.

Good news Seoul_lasers, looking forward to the pics. I've been eying off those LG drives myself. I wish I lived in Korea for the cheap computer gear you have access to there!

Keep us posted.
Good news Seoul_lasers, looking forward to the pics. I've been eying off those LG drives myself. I wish I lived in Korea for the cheap computer gear you have access to there!

Keep us posted.

Not that cheap now. LG 22x DVD Writers are about $25.00USD right now plus 10% VAT.

Still, lots of useful stuff inside these drives.

Will keep you posted!
If you have a lathe, an adapter is very easy to make. You will like the SmOC diode!
Good work ----

Ever get any pics taken yet? I'd really like to see how this looks :)
I will upload the pics this coming work week. I am pretty busy will making the final plans for summer session camp so, I promise once I have completed the curriculum I will upload the construction process. Tues or Wed of this coming week.

Output is about the same as 815's. Not much difference. Colour output is same.
Drive at 400mA and ok. I wouldn't exceed 410mA with these.
Well, the power output seems to be nearly the same as the bigger 5.6mm version open cans. Infact judging by the lasing area in the diode they aren't all that different.
The main idea to leave the diode in it's heatsink and attach the axiz module with silver epoxy. Seems to perform well.
Aight.. seems like a lot of work to get something that doesnt outperform 5.6mm diodes on the market, but cool if you can do it :)
If anyone has any dead 3.5mm diodes I could use them for measurement and fitting purposes. Send me a PM if you have some!!
Aight.. seems like a lot of work to get something that doesnt outperform 5.6mm diodes on the market, but cool if you can do it :)

Actually it wasn't all that much work. I just left it in it's housing. I'd say less work.
Well, I got some time coming so that I can upload pics of the construction.
I am using my own modded driver. Driver was defective and was outputting way too much current, so I cut a trace to the resistors and added a 20Kohm pot. I got the current down to 421.2mA at 3.5VDC. Yes I used a dummy load to simulate the drop od a diode, but I used the current setting across the drivers output. while the load was attached.
