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Krypton laser on Ebay

Feb 28, 2008

Krypton lasers are basically Argon lasers except even LESS efficient. To put out 3.5 watts, its equivalent to a 10 watt argon. Thus, it is most definitely 3-phase.

He also doesn't list the hours on it, which is twice as important on Krypton lasers as it is for Argons. But even still, it's a great deal, Krypton lasers don't show up on ebay often.
Long time no see, both of you!

Anyways, what's the wavelength(s) of krypton? I need a good space heater for the winter and I'm a sucker for pretty colors. I seem to recall krypton being used in supercontinuum tunable white lasers... That'd be pretty cool.
Long time no see, both of you!

Anyways, what's the wavelength(s) of krypton? I need a good space heater for the winter and I'm a sucker for pretty colors. I seem to recall krypton being used in supercontinuum tunable white lasers... That'd be pretty cool.

They lase right a long the spectrum, the strongest visible lines being at 647nm and 676nm. There are also yellow green and blue/violet lines. The yellow line is 568nm.

It won't make a great space heater as it's water cooled.
I don't think this will make a very good space heater as its water-cooled. It's basically a large-frame Argon laser with a different gas fill. The seller also doesn't list the wavelength, but he says he is also selling a matched argon to make a white laser. Krypton has a few lasing wavelengths, notably a couple reds, a green and a blue line, so chances are this one is a red/green multiline but I would ask the seller to be sure.
I don't think this will make a very good space heater as its water-cooled. It's basically a large-frame Argon laser with a different gas fill. The seller also doesn't list the wavelength, but he says he is also selling a matched argon to make a white laser. Krypton has a few lasing wavelengths, notably a couple reds, a green and a blue line, so chances are this one is a red/green multiline but I would ask the seller to be sure.

The chances are that it will be red multiline, but some will lase on all lines, no way to know without a spec sheet, and even then the actual output may not match that data. Violet lines are 406nm, 413nm, 415nm. Green lines are 521 and 531nm. Blue is 482, 476 and 468.
Kryptons are almost always red lines only. It's a better idea to buy one of those spiffy 640 systems at this point. They're about 6 times the price per mW, but use <1/1000th the power, dissipate 1/1000th the heat, are 1/100th the size, last three times longer, have beams just as good, and can be modulated.

Unless of course you're just collecting :)
Kryptons are almost always red lines only. It's a better idea to buy one of those spiffy 640 systems at this point. They're about 6 times the price per mW, but use <1/1000th the power, dissipate 1/1000th the heat, are 1/100th the size, last three times longer, have beams just as good, and can be modulated.

Unless of course you're just collecting :)

Who would just collect lasers? That's ridiculous!!!

PS I just picked up two ILT Krypton lasers with power supplies. Both gas in tact but I need to align them :D
GG where do you even get that kind of stuff?

Good question. It's a little known fact, but Jason here actually chucked out his bed and just made a pile of gas lasers with a matress ontop. He is planning to build a sofa next!

haha Joking, but man, you probably could build a small house out of all the gas lasers you have!
