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505nm diode?

We all are hope the best buddy .Paul its coming at you pal.
@ cynical ,
Hey stop being so cynical pal i purchased this diodes to have tested first before letting anything out so folks won't be disappointed pointed is it all goes south, this way nobody looses but me . I will let folks in on it is it turns out good buddy. No pun intended couldn't help myself, can't blame me ..


I'm just messing with you :P Is definitely a risk you are taking and it is appreciated. Now just the nervous nail biting wait on the comfirmation, pricing and availability on the 480's. Both these ranges are on my short "to acquire" list along with 495nm, 600-610nm, and 415-425nm. Just all that much better that these are in diode form and not some finicky process. Here's to hoping all goes well with both of these batches :beer:
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As promised. The test results came back from CNI.

Working current of 125mA, the operating temperature of 25 ℃, we tested the wavelength is 503.34nm

What a day to be alive. Still can't believe it's <505nm at this price point.
503nm, now I'm very happy indeed. 2nm lesss doesn't sound like much, but that equals a nice colour difference for that part of the spectrum. :):):):)

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|||||||||||||||||| - 505

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Hi C,
Lets hope both of us wind up getting what we were waiting for fingers crossed. The diodes will be here today when i get home from work. Who was your shipper ??

I do hope so too.
I really hope I can afford it now. My family recently had to find £505 for rent arrears. :(
Coincidence it being 505? :thinking:
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It's very interesting that Dr. Laser and his team got one of these 505nm diodes that measured a bit over 503nm at 125 mA. I want to see how the one I will get will change, if at all, over a range of currents. Hopefully, it will be below 505nm too at 125 mA. Also wonder what it will measure at 250 mA and at even higher currents, if the diode will allow. A temperature of 25 degrees C is ambient room temperature. It will probably be higher at higher currents.
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If they are all under 505nm at 125mA then that is good. It would allow us to to raise the current slightly for 505nm or even 507nm if we want to match the scotopic peak. Although, I'll stick with 503nm.

Now we'll just let you and Rich do your own tests and see what you find. :)
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My diodes have shipped and are on there way to Junktronix for wavelength check.
Lazerman got me back out of the woodwork for this one - need a new wavelength for sure :) <505? Dang.

Waiting for these diodes to come back in stock :) Awesome guys... Thought the new WL fun was over - guess not!
515nm is where it REALLY starts become much more noticeable then your standard 532nm lasers, at least in my eyes :D Back when I had a 520nm laser, I could only really tell them apart from the beam. 505nm would appear very blueish-green(as I've stated above) and would definitely be a unique piece to own!

Let's see what happens :)

Nice to see you back. :)
Yep, these <505's have caused some excitement. :p
But good to see old members popping their heads back in because of this. :beer: Also don't forget the possibility of >480's.
Rich, did you ever get a power for the 480nm diodes? Just wondering what they are usually run at and how much they might lengthen when pushed above that. That could make it to 488nm under the right conditions.
Hi paul,
First the diodes came today but needed a signature and my wife didn't know about the delivery . So she will make sure we get them tomorrow ,and i also left a reply with the shipper to leave them at the front door.Ok the 480nm diodes are set to 1.25A and the output should be 55mW's. With a G2 maybe more buddy. Was Pi$$ed i didn't get them today. Hey email me your address to verify but i think a have already , but just to be safe.

Hi paul,
First the diodes came today but needed a signature and my wife didn't know about the delivery . So she will make sure we get them tomorrow ,and i also left a reply with the shipper to leave them at the front door.Ok the 480nm diodes are set to 1.25A and the output should be 55mW's. With a G2 maybe more buddy. Was Pi$$ed i didn't get them today. Hey email me your address to verify but i think a have already , but just to be safe.


I'm guessing you meant 125mA and not 1.25A? ;) :beer:
