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Hello, Yea, I'm new here

May 28, 2013
Quite literally new as I was directed to this site from a friend of mine on xboxmb, if you see this name on any modding site or youtube, I'm that dude, well, guy, but you get the point.

This is actually my first time posting in a Welcome Thread on a forum, lol. All the others I started off finding on what I wanted to talk about & posting in it, lol.

So, yea, I know all forum rules, regulations, etc. I even been on a forum where you can't even say words kids would say telling their parents what they need to do, they frowned on those words, quite seriously.

Anyway, I was told this site was great to learn about lasers & I'd like to learn about how to build one by hand that is not portable that is as strong as one can be, even if its illegal, i;e I'd build it piece by piece, lol. I was referred that C02 lasers would be best.

Don't get me wrong, u could just post parts i'd need gathered as I've worked with wiring, soldering, etc before. Sorry if I sounded like a noob, not trying to.

Reason is For learning, like a 23 year old would try & build a laser just to poke there eye out.

First: Only way to find out some of my questions with lasers as college professors couldn't answer them is to build it.
Second: I really like lasers & I really like tesla coils & see if I could merge them.

I'm a person who likes to learn by doing & Im an inventor, so this would help me.
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Welcome to the forum. Well If you really like to learn, as you say, I reccomend you start by reading the most you can on this forum, second you read all about CO2 lasers in Sams FAQ.... and last, ask questions if you don't have an answer.

Have a nice time here. There is tons of usefull information.
Am I the only cynic here who is worried about someone's first post being about wanting to build hypothetically illegal, invisible CO2 lasers? This is not off to a good start!
CL --- Welcome to LPF!!! You have high expectations jumping into a CO2 laser.
The parts, tube, power supply and cooling systems can be found on ebay and other places. READ READ READ..........
There are basically two types of CO2 lasers - High Voltage and RF excited.
You can't see the beam and focusing is done with ZnSe lenses. Watch where it's pointed -- it WILL start a fire if not properly contained.
As for cooking ---- A few here have actually been able to pop a kernal of pop corn! It's a trick and 20 to 40 Watts of CO2 will simply trash the corn. The beam profile is like a doughnut with a hole. If difused, you might warm the edges of a hamburger with it.
CO2 lasers are at home cutting and engraving when focused to a point.
Good luck, read, review safety procedures and keep us informed about laser cooking!!!
By the way -- where are you located?
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Welcome to the forum. Well If you really like to learn, as you say, I reccomend you start by reading the most you can on this forum, second you read all about CO2 lasers in Sams FAQ.... and last, ask questions if you don't have an answer.

Have a nice time here. There is tons of usefull information.

Can you point me there, no offense, but black background and white text always messes me up on finding things for me, to me I like white background and black text, just me. I'd appreciate a link, but thanks for telling me.

Am I the only cynic here who is worried about someone's first post being about wanting to build hypothetically illegal, invisible CO2 lasers? This is not off to a good start!

Hey now, I'm 23 years old and probably don't have enough money to build one anyway, so why not let me know how at least.

Also, Did you ever watch Iron Man 2. My idea is similar but more realistic and its the laser I'm wanting to build.

CL --- Welcome to LPF!!! You have high expectations jumping into a CO2 laser.
The parts, tube, power supply and cooling systems can be found on ebay and other places. READ READ READ..........
There are basically two types of CO2 lasers - High Voltage and RF excited.
You can't see the beam and focusing is done with ZnSe lenses. Watch where it's pointed -- it WILL start a fire if not properly contained.
As for cooking ---- A few here have actually been able to pop a kernal of pop corn! It's a trick and 20 to 40 Watts of CO2 will simply trash the corn. The beam profile is like a doughnut with a hole. If difused, you might warm the edges of a hamburger with it.
CO2 lasers are at home cutting and engraving when focused to a point.
Good luck, read, review safety procedures and keep us informed about laser cooking!!!
By the way -- where are you located?

Sorry, a person told me the C02 gas laser would work for me and I need it hot enough to see the beam as well as burn good size holes. USA, yea, where everything is illegal, lol. Not really, but I'm keen on what I do with my stuff, I own guns and I'm not gonna point it in my eye and shoot, so why would I do that with a laser, I browsed and saw those stupid idiot videos of people pointing lasers at cops, planes, tv news, all nine yards was like, "Facepalm". I'm like, well, that is the stupidest things I could have ever saw with lasers, seriously.

Disregard the cooking aspect, after I posted that might have sounded extra stupid of me, and not best thing to say. lol.

Oh, I hate ebay, full of scammers all the time u don't know if one is legit or not. Even though I heard that someone built a tank in there backyard by buying pieces for it off ebay. ;(
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