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Lazerer's latest lasers

See, this:
is exactly the kind of crap I think we're sick of.

No offense intended towards Misanthrop. But these garbage threads are just exactly that. Garbage. Noise. Junk. Dribble about Lazerer that shouldn't be occupying every 5th thread. If Avery is paying so much for hosting, I think Lazerer should chip in for the bill, because this forum is basically turning into their marketing and CRM tool. It's not content, this site is just becoming an archive of Lazerer communication.

See, this:
is exactly the kind of crap I think we're sick of.

No offense intended towards Misanthrop. But these garbage threads are just exactly that. Garbage. Noise. Junk. Dribble about Lazerer that shouldn't be occupying every 5th thread. If Avery is paying so much for hosting, I think Lazerer should chip in for the bill, because this forum is basically turning into their marketing and CRM tool. It's not content, this site is just becoming an archive of Lazerer communication.

just saw that i almost pulled my hair out in annoyance. that was a pm put out in the open for no reason what so ever. the only reason i could think of is post count bump. but you can do that with more interesting threads:whistle:
See, this:
is exactly the kind of crap I think we're sick of.

No offense intended towards Misanthrop. But these garbage threads are just exactly that. Garbage. Noise. Junk. Dribble about Lazerer that shouldn't be occupying every 5th thread. If Avery is paying so much for hosting, I think Lazerer should chip in for the bill, because this forum is basically turning into their marketing and CRM tool. It's not content, this site is just becoming an archive of Lazerer communication.

:scowl: I don't get why the first step wasn't to either PM Or email Max. It's not like that info is a secret:banghead:
Ok, maybe we need to have a "budget laser sub-forum".

I'm actually serious about that recommendation (not that I wasn't serious about relegating Lazerer to their own little asylum).
Can we call it the subforum C³ Asylum? Even if its not all crap. (C³: cheap chinese crap)

So, put them off somewhere separate, with controls to let us filter it out. Or even better, why not give users a "keyword filter" on the New Posts list? That would be absolutely phenominal.
Please yes. We need a LPF improvement fund. I can't be the only one who would put money behind it.
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Since the "445 craze" and the advent of *real* cheap, *real* high powered lasers; combined with the uptick in Chinese sellers, I think we have reached a 'point of no return' here on LPF as far as this sort of "profile" goes.

There's a majority of traffic that centers around cheap, high-output, pre-made burning units. Period. And I don't think that's going to pass or die down.

I'll admit browsing the "new posts" function is a lot less content-dense than it used to be. (But that may be my fault; another $80-$150 1w 445 setup just doesn't do anything for me anymore...but for a lot, and maybe the majority of new traffic -- that's the only reason they come here.)

So at this point I do think LPF is at a bit of a crossroads... Do we segregate this sort of thing, and how do we mandate it if so? And what does that do to folks that remain? A forum like "Chinese Budget Lasers" isn't going to draw new posters (with this sort of profile) in. However, a "Lazerer subforum" likely will. And really, folks will go there to post their threads to ask questions about shipping, report how many CD cases they burned through, etc. I know it "feels wrong" to have LPF subsidize that, but if the company is popular, they're popular, and we can't really avoid that. They do serve a purpose -- an answer to the eternal repeat post of, "I want a rlly powerful lazer and i can only spend $28 bux".

Even simply, "Lazerer Lasers / Budget(Cheap) Lasers" may keep that whole circle 'running' in its own forum. We see the same thing over on DPReview (photography) forums, where they separate the DSLR and Point-and-shoot forums; where one group can talk about exposure compensation and bokeh, and the other can ask how to email a picture of their kid with cake on his face.

To me it's a bit sad, (but maybe i'm a bit old.) that "MOAR POWER" has taken over. I admit I'm a collection completionist and I want some of my lasers to be high power, sure. (Thanks, RHD, DTR.) - But it's sad to see the gas forums get no love, for example. When those $100-$150 GreeNes were out there (with power supply!) there were only a handful of people who gave a damn. Even when I first joined here, people were excited about that stuff.

Oh well, time moves on!
Well, I think this is just a hype because these kind of companies are new to the "big" crowd. I understand that for the vets here it is pretty sick of all the cheap laser hongkong stuff but what can you do about it? People who just like lasers like these threads right?

And i think a subforum is a nice idea!

Shall i edit this thread into a thread for discussing this option?

one of the difficulties of segregation is getting people to actually use the new forums without the mods having to constantly be moving content to where it should be.

Most people 'want to be seen'.. and if they make a thread in the new section and nobody looks or comments, they'll just try again in the general section and we'd be no better off.
Well, I think this is just a hype because these kind of companies are new to the "big" crowd. I understand that for the vets here it is pretty sick of all the cheap laser hongkong stuff but what can you do about it? People who just like lasers like these threads right?

And i think a subforum is a nice idea!

Shall i edit this thread into a thread for discussing this option?


well thats what we are trying to find out. this isnt the idea of LPF. this is laser community type threads. lazerer could even make a forum and you could go rave about it there.

also what do you mean by people who just like lasers? you mean people who just like lazerer's lasers?

or people who just like budget MOAR power lasers?

one of the difficulties of segregation is getting people to actually use the new forums without the mods having to constantly be moving content to where it should be.

Most people 'want to be seen'.. and if they make a thread in the new section and nobody looks or comments, they'll just try again in the general section and we'd be no better off.

good point maybe a filter for thread titles would be a start. then a few mods on a lower level that only can delete spam and move threads.

there are a ton of options we just have to find a few that work :can:
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You guys sound like a bunch of old fogies. "Back in my day we didn't have Lazerer!" :na:

Seriously though, it'd be super hard to control. Lazerer is hot right now, and that's what people want to talk about. I don't blame 'em. I usually don't read their threads either, but whatever. Some sort of filter would be cool though.
Would be nice to be able to filter by 'concept'. I'd make sure I didn't have to dig through stuff about 'burning', 'MOAR POWER'(concerning pointers) or 'generic chinese lasers' ever again. heh. :p
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You guys sound like a bunch of old fogies. "Back in my day we didn't have Lazerer!" :na:

Seriously though, it'd be super hard to control. Lazerer is hot right now, and that's what people want to talk about. I don't blame 'em. I usually don't read their threads either, but whatever. Some sort of filter would be cool though.

no not at all we sound like people who want this forum to be like it was intended. i haven't been around long. but i can tell you one thing for sure i have read old threads and man the quality and intelligence of the threads have plummeted.

i understand why some PL guys call us idiots

it's because of dribble threads like this that are about nothing. what does this contribute? :whistle:

like i said earlier the ratio of threads about something technical or basically not sh!t.

its like 1 for every 30 sh!t threads now just sh!t thats all it is is sh!t :crackup: :crackup:

and if i never had to see one of these threads again or "u buy me lazor" or "my lazerer shipment has taken over 24 hours what should i do" i would be so overjoyed i might cry :na:
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Well maybe we're going about this all wrong. Maybe instead of filing all the 'junk' off by itself, we should get our own sub-forum for the discussion of interesting laser related things other than the 'latest out of china' or 'my new 10W retinadestroyer mk2 pointer'

Seems like this approach would work best, since 1) people who actually care about lasers wouldn't have problems with posting 'off the beaten path'. 2) there will be little in the section to attract the interest of many of the 'burning kids' so they'd mostly stay out, reducing moderation needs to keep the section clean.
Well maybe we're going about this all wrong. Maybe instead of filing all the 'junk' off by itself, we should get our own sub-forum for the discussion of interesting laser related things other than the 'latest out of china' or 'my new 10W retinadestroyer mk2 pointer'

Seems like this approach would work best, since 1) people who actually care about lasers wouldn't have problems with posting 'off the beaten path'. 2) there will be little in the section to attract the interest of many of the 'burning kids' so they'd mostly stay out, reducing moderation needs to keep the section clean.

Now your getting smart :beer:....really good idea. That's a good way to think about it. And I bet it would work :eg:
Well maybe we're going about this all wrong. Maybe instead of filing all the 'junk' off by itself, we should get our own sub-forum for the discussion of interesting laser related things other than the 'latest out of china' or 'my new 10W retinadestroyer mk2 pointer'

Seems like this approach would work best, since 1) people who actually care about lasers wouldn't have problems with posting 'off the beaten path'. 2) there will be little in the section to attract the interest of many of the 'burning kids' so they'd mostly stay out, reducing moderation needs to keep the section clean.

Not a bad idea... Maybe a kind of semi veteran section.
It doesn't need to be restricted though like the vet's section. Since it's possible for people who are only interested in popping balloons, etc, to get more of an interest in lasers beyond that, and that should be encouraged. But it should be made clear that it's NOT the place to discuss anything from china unless it's something exotic and interesting.
Makes sense. I mean I don't see all that may people posting in the gas, optics or science sections for example.
