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FrozenGate by Avery

Post your pics of unique builds no-one else has

Cool thread, thanks to all for sharing!

Here's a few of my builds that might be considered unique...

Yellow Tri-Mag... :cool:


Build Tips - 7 Color Laser using The White Fusion Kit!:


C-Mount 2 Watt Red Mag Stubby :cool:


Lasever 473nm / 120mW Build... :cool:


445 Mag Mod with TEC... :cool:


1.5 Amp 445 Phaser Build... :cool:


286mW Tiny Titanium Key Chain Red! (Blu-ray Too!)


Desk Top HeNe Laser Lamp:


445 Laser / Flashlight Combo!


Tiny Projector Mod:


12X 'Ice Box' Blu-Ray With TEC:


Key Chain 10280 Laser Mod:


Yellow Pointer Project:


C Mag Custom 445 Build... :cool:


Glow Marble Mini Light:


This is an addicting hobby... :beer:
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Fantastic guys:) I'm going to have to look read through the links for some of those Jayrob. I find a few of them very intriguing. I think I've always felt a bit overwhelmed looking through so many of your builds. If I had machine shop stuff (and knew how to use it) I think I would have a hard time doing anything but building stuff. Maybe I missed my calling and should have been a machinist.
Means a lot to this thread to see some of you long time and very respected members post here. If you know me at all you should also know I really mean that. AND, thanks to Lazerbeak and you I own a Phaser you put together (with all the upgrades). DTR provided the appropriate 445nm module.

Here's a unit I made from a flashlight that I really like. It has a unique taper to it and the kicker is the holes in the front where the 101mW 532nm shines through. Picture of it on is terrible but I woud like to see more builds like this that show the laser off like this. You can see where the original hole was for the on button when it was a flashlight (see the copper) and I had to move the button back. Have to be really careful when you are only working with hand tools. Love the heavy feel it has too. I've never seen anyone with something like this. The holes in the front were already there so don't even think I did that with a hand drill or dremel.

This one is another 100mW 532nm. I somehow did a great job painting the reflector that beautiful green and then installing a large clear coated copper washer to set the whole thing off. I clear coat the copper washers I use from Harbor Freight with clear nail polish. Dries very quick. Ever want some crazy paint just look in the nail polishes out there. They are very inexpensive and you should at least buy a clear and a black plus nail polish remover as it is sometimes much better at cleaning certain things than Isopropyl. Fair warning that nail polish has a VERY strong odor.

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All of my unique builds belong to other people now, although the most unique I ever made was my Adegan Relic for sure.

Here is one of my new 510 threaded interchangeable module heads on a nice looking Mechanical Mod host. Unique at the moment but could be the way of the future as there are literally thousands of mec mods out there. This one cost $16 on eBay. Currently I have a NDG700 head and a NDB7875 head in hand I can swap back and fourth using on this mod.:beer:






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Fantastic guys:) I'm going to have to look read through the links for some of those Jayrob. I find a few of them very intriguing. I think I've always felt a bit overwhelmed looking through so many of your builds. If I had machine shop stuff (and knew how to use it) I think I would have a hard time doing anything but building stuff. Maybe I missed my calling and should have been a machinist.
Means a lot to this thread to see some of you long time and very respected members post here. If you know me at all you should also know I really mean that. AND, thanks to Lazerbeak and you I own a Phaser you put together (with all the upgrades). DTR provided the appropriate 445nm module.

Hope to see lots of posts on unique builds in this thread...

Sharing your ideas and builds is part of the fun of the hobby.

Others can get inspired with ideas of their own, etc...

I always enjoy checking out cool builds from others. That's how we all learn... :cool:
^ Yes, yes, yes to that. Exactly what this post is for.

I'll have to take a look at my stuff but I'm too tired right now.
Here's a pic of a unit that was an originally an extending flashlight. Unfortunately i couldn't make something fit and extend it so locked it in place with a 532nm 102mW.

A few very heavy little guys. What's so great about 532nm modules is they are so inexpensive but carry quite the punch in visibility. Most of the time the hosts I purchase cost more than the actual module.
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Here is my favorite, and definitely the most unique thing I own!

It is a Lumintop Silver fox flashlight with a cast sterling silver heatsink with a 685nm diode!
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Here's a Coleman unit that looks a bit different. Love the green metallic look but the real interesting part is what I did with the front. I took a GITD tail cap and made a "perfect" center hole in it with a hole punch that you use make a hole in paper and it fit perfect in the unit. Looks cool with the unit off but is super bright turned on.

I realize that for some of you the units that I am posting may not seem so hot but the point is to see different things and point out features that someone might find interesting enough to try themselves or they might trigger an idea;)
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Here are a couple of pics of my newest aquisition; it's unique for now, till someone else buys one. :)
It is a Maraxus mech. mod clone, with a DTR interchangable module and 462nm (NDB7675) diode.



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I think mine would have to be the 5W 465nm Photino, both because of the host and the crazy power to size ratio, but also the rarity of the diode (I don't think it has been used in other builds yet).



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^ Wow, hadn't known about that one! Just too much good stuff in a small package. Not to mention in a dream argonish color.
