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FrozenGate by Avery

800mW 532nm Laser in Ehgemus Host!!!


Aug 25, 2010
The Ivy Sceptre

Hello, everyone! A good while back I purchased an 800mW PGL-III-C 532nm Laser from a CNI group buy. Not long
ago, however, paradise was shattered when there developed a short in the side clicky in the PGL-III-C Host.

I am a custom host nut, however, and I saw it as a prime opportunity to convert a lame black
run of the mill hosted lasers into a shiny, sleek, Ehgemus crafted laser. It wouldn't have been
my first time transplanting a DPSS module with Ehgemus' help. But it would prove to be the most difficult!

As I set to work dissassembling my precious beacon, I began to fear the worst. And I quickly
hit walls I hadn't been forced to tear down before. CNI, as it turns out, are believers in liberal
epoxy use. I was stumped, my efforts to scrape it away had stripped my threads, and it was
beginning to look more and more like a pretty damn expensive paper weight. I was resigning myself
to it, but I opened up a help thread to get some opinions on how to possibly salvage my 532nm treasure.

After a certain point, member Ultimatekaiser offered to attempt an extraction for me. I was hesitant
at first...one doesn't simply send one's precious into the arms of another....someone
you haven't met! But after stripping the threads and being locked in a stalemate I relented
and shipped it off.

The wait was long and my hopes were short, but I was pleasantly surprised at work to see a
picture of my module, taken apart and put back together again....and ALIVE! After a long
conversation on the phone with Ultimatekaiser, who deserves any and all reps thrown his way, I
contacted Ehgemus about having a host made.


I gave him a general idea of what I wanted and the battery configuration needs and let
the master go to work. My biggest thing was that I didn't want some overdone thing
for a laser I planned to keep for a long(ever?) time. Items were shipped, and time flew by.
That is, until I was greeted one day by a PM with a picture and a comment:

Ehgemus said:
This thang is freaking amazing.

Well, this will be one of the very few custom lasers I will own that I will not have assembled. Which is somewhat unfortunate but I find it hard to be upset when I have things like that to look forward to!

I finally got it in the mail after what seemed like an eternity. Divergence was just as meh as when i shipped it off, but I am glad to have this very special piece of my collection back safe and sound.


Last Thoughts

I hope you all have enjoyed this walk through the transformation of an incredible laser into an extraordinary unique piece of art. I have the following people to thank for this fine piece of my collection:

  • Ultimatekaiser - Without you this laser would be dead.
  • Ehgemus - For always putting up with my host requests and churning them out quickly and with a very high level of QC.
  • Zraffleticket - Advising me
  • Jander6442 - Advising me
  • Bowtieguy - Advising me
  • Ru124t - Advising me
  • Smeerworst - Advising me

Thanks guys, I wouldn't have a laser without the fine members of LPF.


That host looks amazing. Great work.:beer:
Beautiful custom green powerhouse:lasergun:.

It's always nice to see a collaboration of several members specialised in different areas resulting in a one-of-a-kind 532nm build in the end! Congrats on this keeper, Isaac:beer:. Now I think my CNI looks somewhat ordinary compared to yours. Changing the outfit pretty much guarantees the 1st place in the beauty contest:D.

:gj: Ehgemus & ultimatekaiser and the rest of advisors!
Isaac, glad to see that your 532nm lives again! :beer:
Reborn in a classic one of a kind Ehgemus host no less!

Nice beam shots. :D
Nice collaboration on a somewhat difficult build. Just in time for St. Patrick's. :D
Hmm. 800mw of 532nm. That's pretty rare.

The question is, can it pop a balloon?
I'm so glad that everything worked out for you :)

It looks really stunning and comes with great power aswell :D

What more do you want....

Congratz with this beauty and may it laze for a long time :beer:


Cheers, Sm.
Congrats. Glad to see it's hanging in there and that you're making the most of it. :beer: take good care of it! How's it meter after the rebuild?
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Well done! I love these custom reinventions.

Do you have anymore shots of the module itself? Pins, dimensions, things like that? I am curious about doing something like this myself, but have been hesitantly waiting on another person to do it first.

Just wondering .... I DO have a 126mW 589nm around here somewhere.....
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I listed rough dimensions and the repair thread, though I do believe the yellows are more like my 671 module, and are an enclosed cylinder.
CNI has the dimensions on their site, just look at the 473 or 532 module. 99% sure they are all the same (all the enclosed cylindrical modules, that is), the PGL-H
