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Need Advice for Disassembling CNI Laser


Aug 25, 2010
Hey guys,

So my CNI PGL-III-C 800mW 532nm Laser has a loose connection under the side button switch and I need to extricate it from the host. I have some tweezers that I think I could use to twist the module out with but I wanted to see if anybody has done this in the past as I do not want to destroy a 400 dollar module. Ideally I will remove all the parts that are essential and have a new host built for me. The module is fully functioning so I really want to be careful.


I have access to doing so with my 561... however I'm not willing to take the risk either...
I can remember right now I'm pretty sure you would take off the shutter assembly then rings pliers off a packing ring then pull the switch cover off pressing the switch down after that then crack the glue off the threads with a band wrench as not to scratch the host after that then twist off the head, but the switch has to spin with the head or you'll rip the wires.

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I wonder if a heat gun would help with that glue?
I've been working on a project that was assembled similarly,
with an epoxy type adhesive. The heat gun worked well.
Though I am a newbie and know nothing of the disassembly of lasers, I do know quite a bit about glue. To find out if it is a heat activated glue , you can use the following method to check it IF you can see it. Use a pair of pliers and a needle and a torch or soldering iron. Grasp the needle with the pliers, heat it up using torch or soldering iron. Do not make the needle red hot, if the needle can sink into the glue or soften it, heat will be your friend. A heat gun usually is very hot and can weaken solder on boards, a slower safer option is a hair dryer with many settings. We make do with what we have here on the rock.Hope this helps some.
I have been working on it today, and while I can get the ring turning it keeps stopping, my guess is because the threads have issues. So....

Is there any way to cut open the host without damaging the module or getting dust all over the IR filter? I have no need of the host as I will be having a host made for it.
Not really. The threads are aluminum though so they're pretty soft. I just scraped the glue from mine and unscrewed it. It just takes patience to make sure you got ALL of the epoxy out of the threads.
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I can't see any more epoxy but I think I fucked the screws up. The part that is threaded seems to be a simple retaining ring so my new plan is to drill out the small holes I have been using to turn it and try removing the retaining ring in 4 arc pieces. I think to do this my main thing I will need to do is protect the IR filter, so I need to find something to put over it that wont let metal shavings in. Once I remove the retaining ring, the module should slide out I believe.

For the head, do you know what size hex screw is required? The ones I normally have for set screws is the smallest I have currently and those wont work. I need to get the shutter thing off so that I can remove the lens assembly. CNI makes really hard to dissect products, I will give them that haha. Sucks though.
I can't see any more epoxy but I think I fucked the screws up. The part that is threaded seems to be a simple retaining ring so my new plan is to drill out the small holes I have been using to turn it and try removing the retaining ring in 4 arc pieces. I think to do this my main thing I will need to do is protect the IR filter, so I need to find something to put over it that wont let metal shavings in. Once I remove the retaining ring, the module should slide out I believe.

For the head, do you know what size hex screw is required? The ones I normally have for set screws is the smallest I have currently and those wont work. I need to get the shutter thing off so that I can remove the lens assembly. CNI makes really hard to dissect products, I will give them that haha. Sucks though.

I find them quite easy to work on myself. you just gotta know how. I just used a small flathead to scrape the epoxy out, and unscrewed the lens and retaining ring, and then the module and board just come out pretty easy. (at least in mine) be careful not to get stuff in the module, theres nothing protecting the guts from stuff getting inside. dust and high flying particles will get inside and degrade the optics. i'd be as non destructive as possible, or maybe wad something in it to reduce the stuff getting inside, or you'll have to clean everything out. which would likely mean taking the module apart. not fun.
Damn. This bullshit is gonna drive me nuts. The last thing I want to do is mess up a 400 dollar laser. Shit. Maybe is I wrap some adhesive around the guts? God I need a laser doctor guru.
What if I cut the tail off of the laser and pulled the module out of the back? That way I dont risk getting shit in there from the front....

And as for the lens I could always order a nice long focal length one from Thorlabs if I cannot get it out.
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I don't think it'll fit. unless you cut it really close to the back, but then you still have the wires and insides to contend with. and vibrations. do you have a pic? I could help more if I could see what you've done :)
Once you remove the ring, the whole module slides out the front...

The hard part is to remove that first ring you see when looking down the barrel.

I had the same problem where the threads screwed up couse some glue residence got stuck between it.

But this is the only way to go....
