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FrozenGate by Avery

Laser spirograph.

Oct 24, 2009
I have been playing with my Spirograph while i wait for my green laser for my 7 color kit. so i decided to pimp it out and go all out on it.
but now that i am done i am wondering what i have done and was it worth it.
is there a point to have 3 motors over 2? (i get different patterns)
Good idea to put 2 of the motors on a dpdt switches so they can go both directions?
of course 3 pots for the speed.
while of course not but it looks nice and is fun.
Be nice my iron broke so i had to use my huge 200watt iron and i hate that thing.





any advice on how to get cool patterns like the direction and speeds thanks. i know each one is different but hey anything is help full. Sry the cam i use is of my palm centro so not the best fps but better than my drawings in paint,

Having three motors (in my opinion) really makes all the difference. The vast number of patterns you can make is unlimited. Not only that but the types of patterns are completely different. With three motors, you can make figures that appear three dimensional. Having nice pots is helpful also, so you can tune to a pattern you desire. A DPDT switch to change the direction of the motor is also necessary. A center off switch is better so you can easily switch the motor off.

If you're going to do it, might as well go all out ;)
instead of using hot glue i would drill holes in wood and use screws to keep them aligned. the hot glue seems to need to be touched up once in a while.the legos is temp for this build like all my things there are 3-4 prots and 1 final. just like to hear creative feed back on my builds and advice so i dont have to learn it the hard way.
i was looking at the one with a microcontroller has any one here done that and is it worth the work to go and get one and program it? or just use a large set of dips and have fun that way.
That is an odd mirror setup that or mine is just screwed up lol..... Just a little advice for more power use hard drive platters for front surface mirrors you get upwards of 98% reflect
You know I have these blank CD's with a blank mirrored finish on top. There is no coating on the finish. I wonder if these could work.
Two of mine with three motors, three pots and two DPDT switches. It is no way to explain how to make good patterns, you just have to get a feel for it and you'll know what to do with the controls.


Nice effects.

For anyone who knows some electronics, A really simple flip flop with a 555 timer IC to clock it with a couple of adjustment pots to vary frequency you can make the mirror rock back and forth rather than just spin.

The flip flop will constantly toggle the polarity to the coils, F/R/F/R/F/R..........

combining an oscillating (rocking) mirror with one or two motor mirrors you can generate some really wild patterns.
I thought about this alredy, but my idea was way easier. Just put a cooler between the module and the first mirror to get a 0-1-0-1 sequence. Atach a pot to it and you have your frequency regulator ;)
Please clarify what you mean by "cooler" and how this would regulate frequency.

I also just thought about this... a flip flop connected to the TTL modulation, then you can adjust beam frequency too. that should make the patterns even more flexible.
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Now i get different patterns at different speeds but i can get them at any speed as longs as the other motors are at par. so its a ratio between the 3 motors that make the patterns? so we might not have the same voltage or motors but the ratio at which we achieve that pattern should be similar. so all you need is a volt meter and you could share your patterns. i would love to try this out. any one want to join me?
