- Joined
- Jan 21, 2010
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Banner courtesy of Chezumss
This is the semi-final for my Host of the year competition for 2010!!
The top 2 from this poll, and the top 2 from the other semi-final poll will be voted off against one another in the final to determine a winner, who will get a bunch of prizes.
I needed an arbitrary way to group them, so i did it with modified torch hosts being in one poll and others being in the other. This is the non-torch hosts section.
Here is the original thread: http://laserpointerforums.com/f44/host-year-2010-a-59521.html
Here is the other thread: http://laserpointerforums.com/f44/hoty2010-semi-finals-poll-part-1-a-59853.html
This will end on Sunday the 23rd when I will assemble the final vote thread which will end on the 31st, but i'm leaving the poll running indefinitely so that in 10 years time some noob will vote and then ask "So when does this competition end? and how do i enter?" :crackup:
Participants, you're limitted to one picture, one video and\or one thread link. If you'd like to change your video, thread or link or you'd like to add something i missed then tell me.
Feel free to discuss the hosts in this thread... that's what this competition's all about! And good luck to all those entering!!
The prizes are:
Jayrob's PriceAngels review unit
A basic Jayrob Pocket Mini Build Kit
A banner with your host on it
A printable rosette to stick on the host or put in your trophy cabinet to show to the grandchildren
And most importantly - The joy of having built the Host of the year for 2010, and all related bragging and\or advertising rights.
When there's a thread link posted, i reccomend clicking it. It gives some more insight into the features the host possesses
The competitors:
AnselmoFanZero's Iron Man Glove:
FireMyLaser Zombie Apocalypse laser:
LazyBeam's Stainless Steel Pen-style:
hydguy's Black Friday build:
StridAst's Sterling Silver:
1.9W Ehgemus 2X26500 Custom Host W/3XGroove 2 Drivers
anselm's Tinkerbox:
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