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FrozenGate by Avery

Do not buy from o-like

Feb 14, 2012
So as some are aware O-like has gone down hill, and fast. Many members here lately have received broken lasers. They have stopped shipping in the white laser boxes, instead they put your laser in a black holder for you to strap to your belt and put in a paper package. The bubble wrap is pretty much non existent. They also mark is as a cheap $25 flashlight... So you know it gets tossed around like no tomorrow.

My laser arrived broken, So i sent them an email. They responded by telling me to ship it back and they will ship me a replacement. They also told me to to then let them know how much shipping cost so they could refund me. So I went to post office. Shipping with tracking international cost $38... BUT i figured since they asked me to let them know they were aware of how much it would cost. So i shipped it off, then sent them an email about shipping cost. Susie then tells me that is way too expensive and I was suppose to let her know how much shipping cost before I shipped it off. She said I should have used regular shipping and it would have been way cheaper. Well sorry Susie, but you are wrong. They told me that is way too much money and that they still have to ship me another $89 laser at their cost...

After talking more i agreed to bite half the $38 if they agreed to ship me out my laser the next day and with better packaging. They agreed. Then failed to ship it on time as promised. After my laser arrived THEN they shipped my replacement. I then asked them for my refund since the broken laser arrived at their location... They acted dumb and said they shipped my replacement as requested and what else am I talking about... They denied agreeing to my refund. When i told them I have all the emails of them agreeing to pay they then said their paypal account was down. I was told to wait 7-14 days for their account to get fixed before they could issue the refund. Well by that time the 45 day period for paypal protection would be up and they could just say "O well, we don't want to pay you for the refund." So i filed a claim, they never responded. A week later paypal awarded me my refund. O-like has since not responded to a single email, nor have they apologized for trying to screw me over.

If you do a bit of searching on here you will find I am not the onyl one with this issue. The past few months O-like has messed up big time. Unless you are willing to risk your expensive laser to be shipped in a paper envelope and having to pay $38+ for shipping back, I would stay away from this company until they get their crap fixed.

Sorry for the long rant, just dont want to see any other members go threw the annoying BS i did.
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I'm right there with ya, in the " I no like, o-like" boat.

They tried that crap with me also. And I got them to say they would send me a new module to fix the laser they sent me. Another non working one.
According to the tracking number it's is singapore.

Susie from o-like is a dirty weasel!
This happens pretty often - a company will start up selling lasers, be really good by having great service, then once they have a base, they start to suck. A lot.

Happened with rayfoss.
Started to happen with lazerer.
Happened with o-like.

This is scary because I ordered their 100mW NewWish 650nm laser. This is the first time I have heard of issues with O-like. I'm just glad I spent less than $20... I suppose only time will tell if I got a broken laser.
This happens pretty often - a company will start up selling lasers, be really good by having great service, then once they have a base, they start to suck. A lot.

Happened with rayfoss.
Started to happen with lazerer.
Happened with o-like.


It's happening with lazerer now?

And I'm sorry you had to go through with all that, but from what I know even when it doesn't come to lasers most overseas Asian companies will screw you over via nonexistent "cheaper shipping".
I havent really noticed anyone complaining about lazerer. Right now i think their site is down due to updates though.
I have a bunch of stuff from them coming tomorrow.
Been satisfied with everything so far. I will report or packaging or any changes I see.
If you receive your lasers in minimal packaging give the laser a good looking. Make sure no wires are loos from being tossed around. Cause it may work at first, but thats not to say the shipping ruined the life of the laser. Here is the broken laser I had to send back.
So here is how i received my laser.

When i took off the top this it what it looked like

I have a bunch of stuff from them coming tomorrow.
Been satisfied with everything so far. I will report or packaging or any changes I see.

You have a bunch of stuff coming from O-like?
I have heard of a few people getting good stuff from them. But it's when you don't that the" stuff" hits the fan!
Their customer service blows.

Tacoherder, is that hot glue on there?
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I'm getting a "power rock" & a "sharp hight power", one red, one green. (can't remember which is which), some modules, & some goggles. (for red laser)
I only ordered this much at once because I have been satisfied with everything in the past.
We will see.
I have several items from them and everything was always packed well, shipped promptly and always was in 100% condition. Customer service from Susie in answering questions was excellent also.

That was last year however.

Seems odd/hard to understand why these companies like O-like and Laserer go downhill once they get good sales established based upon good service and products. Why would they change--to be less successful? Sales peak then fall off a bit and so they get sick of the business not growing?

One business that has always been 100% and still is, is JetLasers--well made, overspec products, and the best customer service of any Chinese company. I had to send a 532nm back because of mode hopping and they immediately upon receipt refunded my Express Mail costs to return it ---fixed the problem and shipped the item back to me DHL at no charge.
Right, when I did my research over them everyone loved their service. All the reviews I saw showed their lasers arriving in the generic green laser box. I guess that was costing them too much money and they figured since we give them countless good free PR they could slack on some stuff and not suffer much of a loss. I honestly doubt there really is a "Susie" at all... Probably just a market ploy to make you think you are getting 1 on 1 with the same person every email.
Tacoherder, weren't they initially claiming as well that they did not receive the defective laser even though you had the tracking information to prove that it did arrive?

When did they end up acknowledging that they had received it and how did you get them to admit that it had arrived?

Even for their sake I still find it ridiculous that O-like would try and save a few dollars on packing material costs than have to deal with so many broken lasers coming back because of completely inadequate packaging.
Also, their inability to understand how their actions and how they treated you has resulted in this story going public here on LPF and how this is going to totally remake O-likes perception on LPF is beyond me...

Sometimes they do have interesting things in stock like the integral beam expanded 532nm's, but is it really worth it with the potential crap they have pulled as well as the ethics of even giving them any more business.
InfinitusEquitus also had the same issue with shipping back a defective laser and had them claiming it never showed up even when Infinitus had the tracking info confirming it had indeed arrived at O-like.

Very questionable business practices indeed...

And to think that the mantra here on LPF is always "O-like or Lazerer," . The community here has done so much free advertising recommending O-like, they have really shot themselves in the foot.
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And to think that the mantra here on LPF is always "O-like or Lazerer," . The community here has done so much free advertising recommending O-like, they have really shot themselves in the foot.

No at all. Mine is Laserglow, Optotronics, or Jetlasers. These companies do have higher prices, but use much higher quality components, and their support is top notch.

Beyond that in order of preference, lazerer, o-like, and rayfoss.

After that... well all the other crapware dropshipping chinese companies which are basically a lottery.
