It was quite new when I had placed it at the base of my helping hands.. I had been noticing these "objects" quite often.. more and more at the time.. I felt as if the more I build and used lasers the more I saw.. I thought I was going nuts.. You can't see anything with the naked eye and normal lighting, however I passed the stimulated emissions over the bottom of my 12mm Cu Back Half and I saw something circular which appeared to take on the shape of the bottom of the module, which by the way was lying on it's side at the time. When the blue 455-465nm beam passes over these things you will see some of the coloring in it's spectrum break up and cause the object's shape to become irradiated in pink and purple - red and orange when the beam is tight enough and actually burns it.. which is what I did.
I had my 2W 2x26650 trained on it and this thing has always had a tight beam (high efl lens) and it's only a 5.6mm diode which already has a tight beam - however it wasn't enough to burn this sucker - it began to produce a bright spot, however it wasn't actually burning. That's when I pulled out the 2x18350 7W and I blasted that mother lover with both for about 30 minutes when I began to see the irradiated purple/pink/blue donut begin to disappear - it kind of looked like it was trying to sneak up the sides of the module and away out of sight, kind of going downward and to the background (if the module is on it's side and you're facing the bottom). I didn't notice at first because shortly after I had gone to bed, it was very late. When I woke up I found the above "whateverthefuuuu" it is. This was actually months ago and I had only recently taken these pictures and posted them - people are for sure going to think I'm a nut now.
When the residue, or possibly burnt ET skin - I didn't mention much out of fear of ridicule. However, the first time I noticed these "cloaked" objects.. it looked like a damn Chameleon - which I burnt as well, but with two high powered lasers, one 6W and one 7W. However, this one didn't burn AT ALL. At times it would turn into the beam and it would disappear from view, until I would point at it from a different angle, then the shape would become revelead again as it deflected the radiation around itself. After a while I just grabbed my show and smacked it - no body or anything to be found.. but a spot of some clear greasy substance on the cardboard box this took place on.
Yeah, now most of you are going to 100% believe I am making this up.. or that I'm a cook... haha.
I just can't stand it anymore, whatever is going on it's been getting worse. There are many specs of what appears to be crumbs and/or fungus at times all over my room, and these things smell awful when burnt - but they also do something weird which leads me to believe they're related to the chameleon and the blob - the cloaked objects. EDIT (Addition): Oh and I forgot to mention, when I burn these things, more show up and they appear to be growing into the carpet.. mimicing carpet.. God, this sounds nuts.
I actually thought I was going nuts. So I would call my roommates or friends to come in to check it out.. and while I would laze one of the "objects" I would ask them what they see and they would trip out.. they'd see at times.. the beam just stop mid-air and then continue a few inches later.. that would grab their attention. Then, when the beam would hit it at the right angle to reveal it's shape they would sort of clam up, look slightly bothered, and just ignore it and leave the room. One of them was my roommate, a cute latina who moved in after the room was vacant for but a SINGLE DAY and she moved in right away, and she works at, believe this or not, a LASER OPTICS company out here in Costa Mesa, CA. She said, "it looks like interference," and I told her, "I can burn it, do you want to see?" to which she replied, "I wouldn't," turning and leaving as she spoke.