Re: the lowest power laser can kill the Mosq
[quote author="sam laser faqs"]
How Much Optical Power to Zap a Balloon or Bug?
The following are some findings from numerous carefully controlled and documented experiments. Translation: Fooling around when Steve had nothing better to do! Bug type and state of health (before tests) were not identified. My apologies to the SPCB (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Bugs).
(From Steve Roberts (
Power to burst orange balloon with focused argon laser: 67 mW. This won't even touch a blue or green balloon.
Power to start popping all balloons within 10 feet of the laser: about 220 mW.
Power to melt a small spot in the black thermoplastic of a 3.5" diskette case: 115 mW from a 60X. But like all organics, it turns to carbon during cutting, the beam will be effectively blocked until you get into the 900 mW range.
Power to fry a bug is about 400 mW if Mr. bug is black and a cooperative target. You really gotta work at tracking the target to fry a bug as it can take minutes....
Power to fry a bug in free flight: 20 to 30 watts. This is hard to do with argon but easy with a Q-switched YAG.
I own air-cooled ion lasers up to 150 mW, water-cooled argon to 1.1 watts, water cooled krypton at 620 mW, and can substantiate these figures. Bugs are hard to kill! It takes a while to burn stuff. None of these is the instant sparks kind of burn - they are all more or less slow melts. [/quote]
Uhm... question : how to quote ?