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Powerful green laser pointer that doesn’t burn


New member
Oct 7, 2019
I am completely new to this forum and I have a couple of questions ?
I am trying to find or build agreen laser powerful enough to see its track by a distance of 4 miles more or less. at the same time I would need to make it non/burning, is that possible ?
I was thinking atsome kind of film cover that dissipate the heating.
is it possible to find it or to build it and also, a laser with those capabilities could be possible to make it no harmful for the eyes ?
thanks community

Jan 29, 2014

....also, a laser with those capabilities could be possible to make it no harmful for the eyes ? Thanks community

Nope!!!! If you can see the beam for 4 miles, it will blind you, but for a low power laser pointer such as in the link below, not the person 4 miles away. Just buy one of those cheap "5 mw" 532 nm china pointers, they can sometimes be powerful enough to pop black baloons, and if focused down to a point (if you buy one with an adjustable focus) can burn some materials, but I wouldn't think of them as a burning laser pointer.

Oh, those are not 5 mw, can be 30-100 mw for the exact same model made at the same place, luck of the draw what you get. If you get 100 mw and can focus the spot, it might pop a black balloon, but then again, maybe not... They are not very powerful, maybe a member here can tell if you if they have been able to do so with one of those but you indicated you are not interested in burning. If you buy a 3x or higher beam expander, the beam can be seen further than one without it, due to a reduced amount of divergence.

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May 14, 2011
What Alaskan said said above.
Get a low cost mass produced green laser on eBay for $6 to $10 and get some experience with what lasers do and don't do.

What you are trying to find does not exist in the real world. Only exists in imagination----is not how lasers work/function.
You can't find or build a laser that does not have the characteristics of a laser.

Laser goggles/glasses are the way to protect your eyes from eye damage. Study this excellent web site for laser safety and related information: https://www.laserpointersafety.com/

See this Laser Hazard Chart also : https://www.lasersafetyfacts.com/resources/FAA---visible-laser-hazard-calcs-for-LSF-v02.png

Note on "heat":
A laser beam has no temperature - there is no inherent "temperature" to a laser beam. Heat is the random motion of matter particles (atomic or molecular particles). A laser beam itself is not made of matter but of photons, which have no mass, thus a laser beam can have no temperature. "Heat" is caused by a laser beams energy being absorbed by a materials surface and turning light energy into heat energy.
Sep 20, 2013
Lasers used as guide stars or that can be seen at great distances are always high powered class IV lasers and can burn. Many are into the tens of watts. If you try to make them eye safe by reducing their output, you lose the ability to see them from a distance.
Apr 2, 2009
[/QUOTE] Encap
''All lasers are wavelengths not colors.
Color is not a physical property; it is merely the brain’s interpretation of different wavelengths of light. Color names are words/symbols for that brain activity.

As describe above---you will need to adapt your daydream to what exists and is easily available in the world of lasers as what you describe doesn't exist.

Search eBay for the wavelengths listed and see if any of it would suit your purpose.

Please make a Welcome thread in the Welcome sub-forum telling something about yourself.''

ENCAP has it correct--- The 'Intro' needs to be placed in WELCOME/Newcomers section AND your (general) location MUST be in the 'intro' thread title AND you need to finish yr personal profile (w/ yr location).

I think you will agree that it is good manners to intro yrself BEFORE asking for free help..

Members near you might offer hands-on help and every member w/ a LPM will measure the power of all your lasers free./

No crystal balls here so.. you need to do yr part.

LPF is not one of those places where it is a bad idea to give out much personal info.

ALSO you will never get invited to a LEM if we do not know where you are-comprende?

South Eastern (SELEM) LEM is held in Aug in Newton NC-- no doubt SELEM is the best and biggest & longest LEM of all LEMs.

I missed a few after making 5 in a row-- planning NOW to make SELEM 2020 (Aug)-- hope to meet you there!!!



most lasers will burn stuffs --however w/ some you need a mag glass and move all three (laser-mag glass and 'target'

fastest burner w/ least amount of power needed is the Blu-ray 405s-- 100mW is plenty.


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