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performance anxiety lol

Jan 13, 2011
Is it normal for a DPSSL To take a couple seconds to warm up After not being used for about a week. I keep it in my book bag in my room I got it out right before I was about to go to bed tonight and I turned it on And it took about a full 5 seconds before I even saw a green dot???? Is that normal or is something going wrong with it???

After about 10 seconds it was at full power. It's just a cheap chinese laser.



Not surprising... many dpss lasers act weird from a cold start, although I never had one that simply took 10 seconds to start:thinking:

I did have a bunch that mod hopped like crazy in the first ~20 seconds or so.
Hey I said it took 10 seconds to go to peak power.....not it burns bright for 10 seconds then dies lol
Infinitus, that blue pill of yours has a big red tongue and white gloves. :na:
Infinitus, that blue pill of yours has a big red tongue and white gloves. :na:

Lol! Makes a lot more sense reading this now on the forum... when I saw it on my phone, my first thought was :wtf: kind of weird crap is he talking about....:na:
ROFL! Thanks for reminding me how crazy I sound without a visual aid!:crackup:
CrazyK: It's VERY typical.

DPSS lasers are very sensitive to temperature. I have 4-5 chinese 532 DPSS lasers that do the exact same thing. They still work fine. It does NOT mean it's dying.

In fact, one of my most over-specced NewWish 532 pens actually takes the LONGEST to emit any 532. But once it does, it'll hit 87mW. (was 10mW rated.)

Next time, before even trying the 5-second thing, try warming it up in your hands (for quite a bit) and see if that time is shortened. I almost guarantee it'll come to full power quicker.

Not a sign of malfunction at all. Just the nature of DPSS.
The video I took right before that 1 it started out perfectly fine right when I hit the button..... then I figured why not and I started recording the second time I hit the button and then it took that long... the video above was the second video I took.... it's like it's just completely random sometimes...

But you're saying that's normal okay cool.......... I was just wondering I didn't pay that much for it but still it's 1 of my favorites. My last green laser took a crap on me. So I was just wondering if I'm having bad luck with them or not.
Crazyk, your video is currently private. You need to change the permissions on it.
I was thinking about something earlier today. Other than DPSS most lasers operate more efficiently at lower temperatures. Now if a DPSS laser is cold doesn't that mean that the pump diode is going to be giving a higher output and giving you better output overall? I'm assuming the reason this isn't the case is because the crystals have a higher peak efficiency temperature. Am I correct?
