I am thinking of making my first serious laser investment. i have bought a few off of ebay. one was a waterproof one that i use diving, 3 are green ones (broke 2 trying to pot mod them) and one blue one. but anyway i want to invest in a good laser something that i can see the beam yet its not going to break the bank. i live in New Jersey with light pollution so i need something that is powerful enough to be seen through the street lights. so my question is what do you think of the optotronics Premium +100mW Green Laser? will i be able to see the beam and is this a good deal? also do they ship to the USA and how long do they take. i have read that wicked takes years (not really) and someother places do not ship to the USA. so what is your take on this?
thanks in advance and Semper Fi to all my Marine Brother out there!
thanks in advance and Semper Fi to all my Marine Brother out there!