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Need help with 1.6W driver

Jul 28, 2016
Hi, I am new to this community. I need a lil help on a 1.6W driver

I tried and kinda failed at building a laser driver, mainly because I went off google images which was a bad idea. But basically I got this 1.6W Blue laser diode I want to make a driver for. I tried using an LM317 regulator but I have no idea how to control both current and voltage with potentiometers. (I google-imaged "laser driver" and built the first image that came up)

For some reason, when I applied nonconductive heatsink grease to the back of the LM317 and bolted it onto an aluminium heatsink, the voltage and current dropped a ton. No idea whats going on please explain :wtf::cryyy:

I'm going to rebuild it though because I lost the PCB it was on.

Details of diode:
Osram 450nm 1 6W Blue Laser Diode 5 6mm Brand NEW 1 PCS | eBay

http://www.osram-os.com/Graphics/XPic8/00193834_0.pdf/PL TB450B.pdf

- OSRAM 450nm 1.6W Blue Laser Diode/5.6mm/Brand New
- I want to base it on a 9v battery if possible
- Threshold Current – Min: -- Typ: 0.2 max: 0.3 A
- Optical output power Min: 1.3 Typ: 1.6 max: -- W
- Operating Current: Min: -- Typ: 1.2 Max: 1.5 A
- Operating Voltage: Min: -- Typ: 4.8 Max: 6 V
Theres a ton more info and graphs on the osram data sheet

So basically I guess I need a circuit that delivers 4.8V at 1.2A

That sounds like a lot of amps so I doubt a 9v battery would cut it...

I'd like to know what parts and values I need and a circuit diagram, if possible.
I have an Aixiz case to hold the diode, heatsink and heatsink for LM317.

I'd appreciate the f*ck out of whoever helps me.


Sincerely, Jia Jia


I'd like to know what parts and values I need and a circuit diagram, if possible.
I have an Aixiz case to hold the diode, heatsink and heatsink for LM317.
I'd appreciate the f*ck out of whoever helps me.


Sincerely, Jia Jia

If given the schematic and part values, would you be able to create the PCB and solder it ?

To maintain 1.2A / 4.8V, LM317 would need (I guess) voltage > 6.5V/1.2A. If 9V battery for you is 6F22 - forget it !
You'd need 18650 Li-Ion battery 7.4V pack.
If by Aixiz case you mean one of those 12mm modules, good luck getting 1.2A out of an LM317 in that much space for any length of time...

Not sure what you mean about controlling the voltage/current of the LM317, it's either going to be current regulating or voltage regulating (Current regulating means it adjusts the voltage to maintain the same current, voltage regulating means it keeps the voltage constant regardless of current). You want current regulating.

Two 18650s is the way to go for this, you want to minimize the input/output voltage difference as much as possible, you'll be generating a ton of heat even in that case.
I agree - with LM317T he's going to waste about 5W in heat; It turned out that the power source must have more than 8.4V.
I'd better design something around the MC34063 switching regulator with an external power transistor, but I'm not sure he can make pcb and solder it.
When the space is of concern, probably one of the ready made modules will suffice.
