Hello, may the most of you dont have any problems with Spiders but i really(!) hate them and im scared of them. I know there is no reason but i cant help it.
I love the Idea of burning a Spider from 3 meter distance off the wall. (Cant kill them on another way, ... im really panicing)
So i wanna know what 'Power' (Hurrhurr) do i need to burn them within ~ 5secs (Dont want them to hide to fast, else i could try to lure them to a free spot with an other Pointer and.... burn them) - But i dont wanna burn my (white) wall.
I really thought about buying the S3 Arctic 1W but i did not read good things about it. Andi wanna be "sure" that i got a good "Spider-killer"-Laser.
Dont wanna spend more than 300 euro (~400 USD) for it. (with glasses)
Thank you very much. Did not find much with Search function. (loved "Pest Control" Thread but wasnt very helpful)
I love the Idea of burning a Spider from 3 meter distance off the wall. (Cant kill them on another way, ... im really panicing)
So i wanna know what 'Power' (Hurrhurr) do i need to burn them within ~ 5secs (Dont want them to hide to fast, else i could try to lure them to a free spot with an other Pointer and.... burn them) - But i dont wanna burn my (white) wall.
I really thought about buying the S3 Arctic 1W but i did not read good things about it. Andi wanna be "sure" that i got a good "Spider-killer"-Laser.
Dont wanna spend more than 300 euro (~400 USD) for it. (with glasses)
Thank you very much. Did not find much with Search function. (loved "Pest Control" Thread but wasnt very helpful)