Well you have put more into it than your first post led me to believe. Sorry for underestimating you at first, as most of the posts from newbies around here are truly from newbies, people who have no idea what they're doing.
Ah no worries pbd! As a female engineer i'm used to being underestimated
. I do really appreciate your assistance though. I'm fairly new to lasers in general though, so must of the stuff i'm doing have been via a lot of research, and I've pretty much hit a dead end so far, so here I am! ( I have been a lurker for some time now though. :angel
For your photodiode, you need the conversion A/W, as in how much current comes out per light power in. This changes with wavelength. The datasheet for the photodiode will probably have a curve, but I don't put too much stock into those curves after some of the ones I've used previously.
Ah! The responsivity. Gotcha. It is in included in the datasheet, but I am sorely tempted to ask the manufacturers for the actual data (if they're willing to release it) as the curves supplied are.....lets say....unsatisfactory. but I'm not trying to re-invent the wheel here, because that will take far too much time, and effort. Presuming there is a margin of error in the A/W curve supplied, as long as this error is relatively acceptable, and consistent. Then it at the very least gives me something to work with, and I can tweak as required as soon as I can actually observe some sort of a signal from the photodiode.
As far as your drive source, you've got some major ringing there, and it'll only get worse with a laser. ESPECIALLY if you're going to be measuring different types of laser diodes.
I agree completely. Plan is to use a power diode, or something similar to counteract the ringing effect.
Is that a voltage or current in your image?
I'm sure you already know you probably need inductive current probe or the like, that measuring current in series isn't a good idea with this.
Instead of measuring current in series, I'll be measuring voltage across a load resistor and determining the current using ohms law. Its a round about method, but a less intrusive approach. Again, this will most probably have its drawbacks, and these are yet to be seen.
Your impedance is going to change with every laser, and very well could cause the whole thing to ring out of control. If you want short pulses, you're better off with a voltage-source driver than a current-source driver (I'll leave "why?" as an exercise to the reader).
Agreed. I initially went for a current source driver as a quick and easy way of limiting the current to the laser diode as to the best of my knowledge, its over-current, and not over-voltage that destroys laser diodes.
But you don't necessarily need very short pulses as far as I can tell, you need clean rise and fall, which is also hard to do. Your circuit needs to be carefully designed to get clean rise and fall out of a laser diode, and it'll be different when going from like a 405 diode to a red one, you'll need a whole different circuit.
Excellent. Any ideas/suggestions on how such a circuit would be designed? Even in its most basic form. My main issue at the moment is finding a way to drive the laser diodes in pulsed mode. I currently have two options:
1. A TTL frequency generator with clean(to a reasonable degree) square waves. Any suggestion on designing a circuit that will allow me to power the diode using this?
2. Using a 555 timer to generate square wave pulses. I have some experience with 555's so I should be able to tweak the circuit to obtain as clean a square wave as possible. Problems: Will the pulses be clean enough even then?, Fast enough pulses?, How to design circuit to drive laser diode adequately?
And I still have trouble with the idea of your photodiode actually turning on that fast. I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed if you're expecting it to just work.
If I was expecting it to just work, I wouldn't be here
. I'm really looking for some advice that will send me in the right direction, as opposed to just stabbing in the dark. Nothing worse than realising that you've been putting a lot of effort doing the wrong thing. (Been there, done that.) I am also doubtful that the photodiode switches that quickly. But even a 470ps rise time should be fast enough? I have no idea what typical risetimes for laser diode are, but I'm presuming tens of ns? (any thoughts?)
Photodiode data sheets are kind of notorious for skewing how they present the information to you, like using log plots and the like, and things like giving you a single rise-time number as "the spec" even though that is only encountered under certain, perfect conditions, conditions which you're not likely to be using. Even wavelength can come into play with risetime.
In my experience, all datasheets in general are guilty of this, so I always allow for a good margin of error when reading datasheet values. I have attached specs of the photodiode, frequency generator and red laser diode, to give an idea of what I'm working with. (Now that I think of it, the red laser diode is a Sony-JL, and I've seen it pop around a lot here. If anyone has already measured specs of it, links would be awesome!)
Any and all help will be hugely appreciated! Thanks!!