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Australia morons shining lasers at jets.

there's just too many douche-bags with lasers these days....
yeah, i wonder what mW these noobs are using in the attack, hopefully <50
Well, because of idiots like these Australian laws may eventually ban lasers altogether, Idiots ruin it for everyone every time.
Yep.. and you know how hard it is to find a 1mw green laser which is acutally 1mw......

I purchased a ebay 1mw from the USA and had it posted to me in aus and customs took it claiming it was >18mw

Yup, customs have power meters :)

You'd really need to get the seller to check whether it stays under 1mW before shipping it to you. Or, ship it to someone somewhere else, and have them pot mod it down for you (And you can turn it back up when you get it)
Yeah thats why i buy within australia now,
not worth the risk buying from overseas..
Oh wow, more bad rep for lasers in Australia. Just what we need. How many mw do you think is needed to hit an airplane?
All lasers will hit the airplane, whether they are bright enough to effect the pilots night adapted eyes is another thing. It doesn't take much.
