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200mw green with decent duty cycle pls advise


Nov 1, 2009
I need a 200mw green I can carry easily at my side, but most of all has a decent duty cycle. When I enquired about O-Like's 200 mw I got the answer from Susie:

" It is better not more than 1 minute opertion every time and then rest 2-3 minuts


This is simply too long
Can you guys suggest a product that has a continnous or long duty cycle?


The LaserGlow Aries also can be run at 100% duty cycle.

But I am assuming he doesn't want that kind of laser, since he already has an RPL-350 (not 100% duty, though) and says something "I can carry easily at my side."

That I know of, there are no commercially available 200mW 532nm lasers that are "compact" and support continuous operation.

The questions I have, if you don't mind me asking, Laha, is:
Why do you need a portable laser for continuous operation? Is a labby not the only choice if high power and stability is needed?

When it comes to DPSS lasers, it is best not to expect so much from a portable setup.
I have yet to find a need to leave one of my portable lasers on for more than 5 minutes continuously.
My DIY greenie can hit >200mW for short periods and levels out around 175mW for about 2 minutes before it gets too warm to sustain the output. IMO, 2 minutes is plenty of time for pointing, playing, burning, whatever you might need a ~200mW laser for.
If I need to run a laser indefinitely for any purpose, I don't think I'd want to be swinging it around - I'd probably want it to be stationary. In which case a labby would be great...

Just my $0.02 USD.
Thank you for your answers, you both hit the right points. Having something on for 1 minutes and waiting for 2-3 to have it cooled off I found a bit long, but vs would be pleasing. If a pointer is on for 2 minutes and than having it reast for 1 minute would be satesfactory.

Also size is a matter, I don't want something big to carry with me.

so will probably end up with O-Like's 200 mw.

or any other suggjestions?

Thank you!
susie will tell you it is 1min on and 2-3min off... but the laser can go beyond that...
today I turn on my Real 1W 445nm green laser for some plastic cutting and it manage to stay on beyond 3 min with the body turning warm... since it is water resistant/proof unit I just turn it off and drain the unit in a cool running water before resuming... also I tried it with ice to cool it down... (it is aluminium/alloy body and the heat transfer is very good to cool the diode off)
today I turn on my Real 1W 445nm green laser for some plastic cutting and it manage to stay on beyond 3 min with the body turning warm... since it is water resistant/proof unit I just turn it off and drain the unit in a cool running water before resuming... also I tried it with ice to cool it down... (it is aluminium/alloy body and the heat transfer is very good to cool the diode off)

I am sorry...but there are a few alarms going off in my head concerning what was said by calvinng and they go against everything I have ever learned about lasers.

1) 445nm is not green, it is considered a blue, or blue/violet color. (just fyi)


2) Cooling a laser off by running it under "cool running water" might be ok, but there is a possibility of condensation forming on the inside of the waterproof host if the temperature difference is to great. And especially if you use ice to physically cool down the aluminum, then you are asking for condensation to form on the inside of the host.

Of course, if the air inside the host has 0% humidity then you don't ever need to worry about condensation forming. But I am guessing that there is at least some water vapor in it since most places on earth have at least a little water vapor in the air.

Just trying to give some good advice...happy lasing!!!

EDIT: My 222nd post!!!
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You probably won't like the answer.. but...
JETLASERS PL-C 250mW 650nm 3 to 4 min duty 1 min rest peaks at 380mWs
but not a pen- no pen has long duty cyle and high power.$300 plus
"no pen has long duty cyle and high power"

Thank you, I understood that. I'll try to look for one with a host which is still small enough to carry, but has got a decent heatsink.

Thank you!
HI Mates,

I got my O-Like 200mw (new style) and I am very happy with it! The thing is very small and feels really nice to hold and the beam is very bright.

Actually a minute or 2 duty cycle is enough, so thanks again for your advices!
