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FrozenGate by Avery

150mw 532nm laser VS. 300mw 405nm laser

Jul 7, 2011
I'm still debating - but I have narrowed it down to two. Will the green laser be able to pop a balloon, start a match, and melt plastic. Will I be able to see the violet beam at night?

violet laser- www.rayfoss.com
Green laser-http://rayfoss.com/productn.asp?ArticleID=142

Thanks in advance!
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Will the green laser be able to pop a balloon, start a match, and melt plastic.

Yes, to all three but only if properly focused. A 405nm laser will be much better for burning.

Also that green laser is NOT ir (infrared) filtered, so if you're gonna be burning with it you will need to either install an IR filter yourself, ask rayfoss to do it - maybe they can for a little extra, or get goggles that work for IR as well as 523nm.

Will I be able to see the violet beam at night?

At night yes. Some people see 405nm better, some worse, but personally I can barely see the beam of a 150mW 405nm laser. 300mW will be visible in a dark room, or outside at night, though nowhere near as much as the 150mW green.

Personally I'd recommend this laser: 150mW transformable green laser/adjustable [OLV6100] - $108.00 : Welcome to O-Like.com, Your source for laser products

You can contact o-like and also ask them to install an IR filter for you.

Basically what it comes down to is burning vs visibility, the 405nm will burn A LOT better.

For either laser you NEED goggles - especially for burning.
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Yes absolutely right. Choose the colour depend on what you want to do with your laser. ( Green for visibility and violet for burning.
