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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • wtw bro- how have we missed you- If you want to attend the next Txlaser meet you need to get in the loop- sending you a group invite and be SURE to click 'group tools' and click on subscription- otherwise you wont know wahts new w/o going top look ( you get email)

    several of us have been meeting for lunch up that way to work on the next TEXLEM- swap lies and maybe show off a new laser- and since AixiZ Laser is in Houston (Pearland) we have been meeting up ay 288 and 518 HEB foodcourt- Peraland exit- its right there on west side of 288.

    we have a group map at LSLF and 'gadget' (Kev) from Dallas set it up so we can see on a map where we all are.

    hak (down near Lake Jackson)
    I have no idea if they are the same :) If you have a link to that light, I can take a look at it and compare it to pictures of the Q5 I make heatsinks for. Though be warned, "Q5" appears to be used rather frequently in flashlight names and could in fact be different light.

    In any event, heatsinks cost exactly what you see in my shop. Shipping is free worldwide.

    Also in future, for business, please use Personal Message instead of Visitor Message. I have nothing against transparency but it's easier for me to track messages and my replies that way.
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