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Recent content by Maxi3D

  1. M

    Looking for a beam expander

    OK, I see. My bad. Thanks. :)
  2. M

    Looking for a beam expander

    I have an almost brand new Dragon beam expander with a Viper series laser pointer adaptor. Both the len cap and adaptor screw on and off. The body is made of two halves that screwed on together. You focus it by turning the two halves one way or another. I think the threading is in need of some...
  3. M

    first laser

    From what I know, Blu-Ray or violet burns better than green, but green are "prettier" for beam shot and pointing. Blu-ray or violet is darker and IMO not great for pointing but good at burning lighter color objects.
  4. M

    first laser

    It depends on how much money you are willing to part with. IMO, I would stick with lower wattage laser first to see if you want to spend even more money for higher output lasers. At 0.5 watt that's a lot of heat for a first laser :yh:
  5. M

    FS: >110mW PHR, >140mW 4x & >170mW 6x Blu-Rays

    Hi Shogoki, just make sure you get the right kind of battery or ask him for it if you do decided to go with IgorT's laser.
  6. M

    Lasers by Darkarmyofone - A craftsman's works

    Your're right, I just added credits to those who made the parts for the lasers. Ehgemus, drlava, and joyrob made the parts, but it's Dark who put them all together like painter working with paint.
  7. M

    FS: >110mW PHR, >140mW 4x & >170mW 6x Blu-Rays

    Although I'm just a noob here, for what's worth I will also vouch for Dark for what he have done for me. IgorT and Darkarmyofone you guys are the top sellers in this forum.
  8. M

    Lasers by Darkarmyofone - A craftsman's works

    I'll have to ask Dark for the spec. on the 8x BD. He might have the info somewhere on his sales thread. Sorry. Edit: Just PM Dark for more spec. on the lasers.
  9. M

    Lasers by Darkarmyofone - A craftsman's works

    Also, FYI the plastic CD backing use for the test has a grainy texture on it that perhaps hinders the PHR's performance. Just a thought.
  10. M

    Lasers by Darkarmyofone - A craftsman's works

    Here are some more pics of semi rpl It does looks somewhere like Ehgemus host but not quite thou. Here are some pics of 8x BD I would like to shoot some more footages of the 8x in action but I don't want my 8x to burn out too fast you know :)
  11. M

    Lasers by Darkarmyofone - A craftsman's works

    Is it from the video? Maybe the batteries are running low. I have a home built PHR 803T running at 127mA that are not as bright as the 200mW PHR Dark built for me.
  12. M

    Lasers by Darkarmyofone - A craftsman's works

    Hmmm, it is what Dark and I agreed upon setting the output of the PHR. I trust Dark set the output at ~200mW. There is no way I could test it other than taking the host apart which I not too found of.
  13. M

    Lasers by Darkarmyofone - A craftsman's works

    I'm new, what is RT mean? Thanks.
  14. M

    Lasers by Darkarmyofone - A craftsman's works

    It was only a mere few months ago I first caught the bug for laser when I dug up a long lost red laser pointer key chain. Now I am knee deep in all things laser, red laser, green laser, and blue or violet laser of different wattages. I first encountered Darkarmyofone in this forum when I was...
  15. M

    FS: >110mW PHR, >140mW 4x & >170mW 6x Blu-Rays

    Yeah, Radio Shack was never the same once they got into the cell phone business. Now there are so few electronic stores around.
