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  1. K

    Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer......

    Re: Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer.. LOL. I was thinking of that, but I'm not quite sure how rechargeable batteries work, (the reaction) and if it would leak or anything. I doubt I'll do that  :D But if nothing works, I'll give it a try and see what will happen.  ;D
  2. K

    Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer......

    Re: Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer.. I used a needle since it fit, paper clip was just abit too big. I had like 2 needles in each slit, making it a total of 4. I pushed on all 4 needles, didn't really seem to be working. All the power just gets distributed all over the place :P...
  3. K

    Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer......

    Re: Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer.. Did not work, mom is just going to get a different type of glue. The dam barrel is small, so I can't put too much or it'll stick to the whole thing.
  4. K

    Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer......

    Re: Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer.. Thank you, but didn't help ;D
  5. K

    Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer......

    Re: Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer.. Sorry for double post but, I tried something similar, I used some sharp objects, and crafting tools, and eventually I gave up because it was taking too long and it kept slipping. Also the metal bits were annoying, all over the place :o
  6. K

    Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer......

    Re: Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer.. I added some Adhesive DP-460 glue to the battery attached to some wooden dowel that just fits in the barrel with any problems. Going to wait till morning, (EST) till I try anything. Only applied a small portion of glue, didn't want it to stick...
  7. K

    Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer......

    Re: Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer.. The battery won't get it's ass out :-? And I tried something similar, I took the open end and pounded it on one of my dumbbell weights. (the weights itself, not the bar :o) Sometimes I can hear it move around, sometimes it just gets stuck at...
  8. K

    is this ok

    You know, you could of just took out the http and/or www. Lol. :D
  9. K

    Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer......

    Re: Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer.. When I told Susie about my problem, she just lol'd and told me out of all the years she's been with customer service, she has never heard of such thing. Neither have I. :P She did tell me there's like nothing in the barrel that's important. And...
  10. K

    Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer......

    Re: Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer.. I removed the clip now. Still trapped in there.
  11. K

    Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer......

    Re: Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer.. LOL, I haven't even thought of that yet. Was doing weird stuff, the clip of the barrel fell off, there's those 2 slits, I can see the battery moving around. I tried taking a needle, because it's the only small object that fits in there. I...
  12. K

    Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer......

    Re: Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer.. Sorry for those who saw my video, that was the night I did the test. The night I found out my battery was stuck. Here is the real footage! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gD-2DAk1mcc&feature=channel_page
  13. K

    Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer......

    Re: Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer.. Anyone know why or how this came to be. A battery somehow not wanting to leave the barrel. I'll try heating or even buying a magnet. For now, I'll just wait till batteries are almost completely dead.
  14. K

    Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer......

    Re: Battery stuck in the barrel of laser pointer.. Thanks guys, I managed to get my video uploaded as I left to the bus. In English class now.  :D Here's the link: NEW LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gD-2DAk1mcc&feature=channel_page
  15. K

    Re: My 120mW~150mW from O-like! AAA stuck in barre

    Re: Re: My 120mW~150mW from O-like! AAA stuck in b Crap, I deleted my post, not the thread dammit. Mod close this thread pl0x. ;D
