I've been looking into this (superficially) as well the other day, and I've found out that
people advise against simply paralleling the output together.
The reason given was that, although equal in theory, in practice there will be slight differences in resistance between each lm317, so the load would not be equally
distributed, with possibly fatal (for the IC) consequences.
If I am not mistaken, two possible ways around this problems were proposed:
1. putting a capacitor between the output of each lm317 and ground, or
2. adding the same value balancing resistors in series after the output of each lm317.
these balancing resistors were supposed to be very low resistance, like 0.2 or 0.333Ohm.
Now, what I didn't quite catch correctly if this matters for our usage of lm317
as a current regulator, or if this applies when the IC is used to regulate voltage?:thinking:
In any case, I think it probably couldn't hurt to consider this, in case you end up
actually trying this.
There might even be a suitable circuit among the many examples on the online lm317 datasheet.