The Mohgasm driver in my C6 failed, strangely, even at only 1.25A, so I decided to replace it with my own driver. A LM317 and 4 1 ohm resistors.
It runs the diode at about 1.23A, uses a TO-220 LM317 with it's tab trimmed off, and 4 1 ohm resistors in a 2S2P config. This adds to a 1 ohm @ 2W resistor. The resistors dissipate roughly 1.5W combined.
NOTE: If you try this yourself, the LM317 tab MUST be insulated from the pill.
The resistors get freakin hot very quickly, but it works

It runs the diode at about 1.23A, uses a TO-220 LM317 with it's tab trimmed off, and 4 1 ohm resistors in a 2S2P config. This adds to a 1 ohm @ 2W resistor. The resistors dissipate roughly 1.5W combined.
NOTE: If you try this yourself, the LM317 tab MUST be insulated from the pill.
The resistors get freakin hot very quickly, but it works

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