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FrozenGate by Avery

Triple HID flashlight build (In progress)


Oct 25, 2010
Just a quick little preview of whats to come,

Im working on a flashlight build, and for now finished the head, I still need to make the body and other essentials.

Im not disclosing too many details until this project is finished, But this light will be quite large and bright.

The retainer:

Some lathe time:

More will come when I get around to making the rest of this thing.
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Re: A BIG flashlight (in progress)

I'v seen bigger;)

I didn't think that you could put a High Pressure Sodium in a handheld but good luck:D
Re: A BIG flashlight (in progress)

Well, I was going to go bigger.. but then it would defeat the purpose of a "luggable" hand held! :p

I also didn't want to go with the spotlight look, I wanted this more to be like a torch style light.

I was thinking either a bank of LEDs (sst-90 comes to mind), some powerfull HID, or short arc.
Re: A BIG flashlight (in progress)

Well whatever you do go with, nice machining there. I'm sure the end product will be very impressive:beer:
Re: A BIG flashlight (in progress)

Thanks mate.

This is mostly for a gaint flood of light.. but it would be nice if I can get some decent throw out of it while im at it...

we will see.
Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

You might want to go with a few CSM-360 Led if your thinking LED's. They put out more the 6000 lumens each and run at a higher voltage then the sst-90's.
Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

I was thinking to use SST-90's and just boost the battery voltage to whatever the forward voltage requirements will be (that is to drive them all in series, then regulate the current with duty)

I had the 360's in mind, but was unsure weather I would use them or not. The thing that really held me back on them is the price, I can 4 SST-90's cheaper then I can 1 360.

LED wise, I am tied between those two choices... the 360 would be better... but the 90 would be easier to work with and cheaper.
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Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

:crackup:Thats not a flashlight, its stage lighting. Damn.

You might have over compensation issues. :na:

Nice lathe work BTW.
Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

Use some of the space to put in a couple of different wavelengths of laser module for no real reason! And make sure you give it an assault crown! :D
Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

Could probably fit a full crapio A-140 array into there :)
Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

^^ yea what he said...that would be sweet. 3 HID's in that thing will make night into day. easy. also, nowadays HID kits cost the same as the bare sst-90 LED...i get em wholesale at a local warehouse for $50 each... $45 each if i buy 2. and those are the 50W kind.

I was thinking to use SST-90's and just boost the battery voltage to whatever the forward voltage requirements will be (that is to drive them all in series, then regulate the current with duty)

the sst-90's have a foward voltage like a red diode, 3.1 nominal and 3.35 max. I am also working to get a sst-90 handheld....how are you thinking about powering it? this problem has halted my project completely...8-9 amps aint easy to get out of a handheld.
Re: Flashlight build (In progress)

Getting the juiceness won't be an issue.. I still didn't deside yet though.. either some high capacity SLAs (sealed lead acid) or one deep cycle marine battery :)

For a single build, I would get yourself some IMR 22650s. they can pump out ALOT of current (thier chemistry allows like 20A for 40 min IIRC). they are rechargable, but unprotected. I would suggest you use 3 of them and a buck converter.
That combo will give you some decent run time with an SST-90.

I will consider the 3 HID build... hmm.. makes me think now.

I was really set on the flood/throw ability of these LEDs, both in short range and close. I am still working on the body of this and the driver compartment, so until then, I can think about what I will build from this.

Either way, with a 15LB host alone and a 5LB heatsink. I guess anything is doable.
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