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FrozenGate by Avery

Spyder III Pro Arctic - Questions Answered

Oct 24, 2009
*To the Mods* This is my attempt at making your job easier, this will put all the drama back into one thread, so you won't have to go around deleting threads daily, please give me a chance to have this thread, I enjoy helping the n00bs*

This thread is here to inform you, I am making this an official compilation of all the possible information related to the arctic (excluding media). Please read this entire first post for your answer before posting any questions you may have below.

The Truth: Wicked Lasers' specs compared to what some members here have measured and observed.

Size; 228mm x 35.8mm - there is nothing suggesting otherwise.

Weight; 378g - there is not much variance from this weight, very small changes to the laser's weight may be due to a different lens cap, a different model of LiIon 18650 battery, etc.

Wavelength; 445nm - This laser uses a 445nm diode believed to have been manufactured by Nichia or Sanyo, small variances in diodes do occur with different currents, temperatures, etc., however these changes usually only occur within 5nm of the diode's intended wavelength, if at all.

Construction; 6061-T6 Aircraft grade aluminum - The material hasn't been closely examined as of yet, but it is generally accepted that this is aluminum of some type.

Finish; Mil-Spec hard anodized in black - It is accepted that this laser is, in fact, a black/charcoal color, however the "Mil-Spec' claim is likely for marketing, as these lasers are showing up with imperfections such as scratches.

Transverse Mode; TEM00 - It does NOT operate in TEM00, it is a multimode diode with a "rectangular" output consisting of many lobes overlapping one-another, the exact name of the transverse mode is unknown to us at the moment. Note: It has been observed in DIY settings that this diode isn't as multimode at lowered powers, so it is predicted that the G2 may have a better overall beam on it's low power setting.

Diode; The diode was taken from a Casio XJ-A130 projector.

Output Power; <1W or less than one Watt - these claims are, for the most part, unconfirmed, as only one member that has a LPM has received one, and we need more than one case to judge off of. That being said, the user with the LPM suggested that his S3 was, in fact, putting out steady 800-900mW beams.

Beam Diameter at aperture; 1.5mm - This is a lie, as a few members here have measured it to be around 3-4mm at the aperture. Note: It has been observed in DIY settings that this diode isn't as multimode at lowered powers, so it is assumed that the G2 may have a better overall beam on it's low power setting.

Beam Divergence; 1.5mRad - This is a lie, as a few members here measured the divergence to be more like 4-5mRad.

Required Eye-ware; OD 4.4+, this is accepted as true for this power of laser. Typically the same eye-ware can be used for 445nm as for 532nm, but this is not always the case, be sure to check what wavelengths you are protected against before assuming your glasses are safe for what you're using.

Power Consumption; 3.7 volts at 1 amp. This is not proven, but assumed as true based off of the consumption of many DIY builds near the same power and of the same wavelength.

Power Supply; Lithium Ion 18650 rechargeable battery, it goes into the laser negative end first, with the positive end facing the tailcap - this laser does take this battery and it does ship with this battery. Reports from people who recently received a faulted s3 package suggest that the battery is, in fact, the problem. It is noted that some of you may have never seen or used a 18650 battery charger quite like this, so i have made a quick video tutorial of the indicators on your charger:

Battery Life; 120 minutes - This has not been proven, but has always been viewed as optimistic for the battery life of a laser drawing 1amp.

Switch; Tailcap, constant on/off - This is true, but only for the G1, as the G2 requires the tailcap to be pushed in addition to the smartswitch.

Modes; G1- On and Off. G2- Low and High Power modes, Pulsed and Constant Wave modes, Secure Lock/Unlock modes.

Duty Cycle; Continuos - This has yet to be proven but it has been suggested that this laser's large host has good heatsinking, but we can't be sure of it's heatsinking ability without a duty cycle test and someone having opened one up.

Expected lifetime; <5000hrs, less than 5000 hours - This is expected, and accepted.

Warranty; 3 months standard, 2 year extended - These are already needing to be honored as some lasers arrived with strange lens issues causing adverse beam effects, they are expected to be honored in full once Wicked's support gets back on their feet.

Shipping; In Stock Now! - This is a lie, the s3 is still on backorder for many customers, G1's are being filled and may soon truly be in stock. G2s are still on backorder for everyone, and some suggest they are still trying to design the smart switch, while that is pure speculation, it very well could be true, especially when one looks at the pattern from the G1, from development to production.

Shipping; UPS - this can neither be confirmed nor denied, as U.S. Customs could stop many packages with the info from only one or two, because they're shipping in batches, so it's best we don't speak of the shipping method widely.

Legal; The legality is highly debated for every country, when it comes right down to it: You can import it, chances are it WILL get through customs, once you have it: It is illegal to shine at aircraft, it is illegal to shine at a police officer, and if you're caught playing with it, chances are the fuzz will likely confiscate it, regardless of the local, state/province, and federal laws.

Other issues: Did I miss anything? Post relevant info here and i'll update the OP.

Click here to go to DiRollin's DIY arctic focusing lens.

DO NOT flame, post irrelevant info (i.e. where in nebraska yours was when you last checked, or that you checked at all), or duplicate questions. All good and relevant questions will be answered to the best of my ability based on observations i have read on this and other websites and will be updated to the OP if needed.

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That 18650 charger is the same one Rayfoss and just about any other cheapie Chinese manufacturer sends out with their lasers.

DealExtreme, Focalprice and even O-Like use them.
That video is mostly for the people with the dimming issue, so they can be sure as to weather they're even attempting to charge their battery correctly.
Yes, well some of them already have the laser and want to know how to use it's battery and charger, this whole thing is just another attempt to educate the masses of seriously immature people who did buy one of these, the danger is real.
I am glad you made this thread, nice job with all the questions, this should help a lot
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Still looks good. I bought the arctic knowing it would be better beam specs than a DIY. Which came true, because I've seen people reporting 17ft and their line is 0.5 inches wide at most. Mine at even 10ft is near 1 inch and it has the 405nm Glass lens from JayRob. Plus no host beats the looks :)

Nice facts listed, helps those with unanswered questions that get repeated too much. Looking forward for my arctic, WL support told me they are shipping this week, possibly Monday, and my order is already packaged up so they are sending my other items in a different shipment.
I think it's worth noting, in this thread, that WL is pretty quick with emails now. Emailed them last night about the free glasses offer, 10 minutes later I got confirmation that a ticket had been started. Then 30 minutes after the ticket was made they replied saying they'd add the free glasses to my order and that I should be getting a G2. No solid info on shipping in the email, but that isn't why I contacted them. While they did say they would check with their shipping dept. and get back with me, I'm fine just getting that response from a real person about my glasses.
I think it's worth noting, in this thread, that WL is pretty quick with emails now. Emailed them last night about the free glasses offer, 10 minutes later I got confirmation that a ticket had been started. Then 30 minutes after the ticket was made they replied saying they'd add the free glasses to my order and that I should be getting a G2. No solid info on shipping in the email, but that isn't why I contacted them. While they did say they would check with their shipping dept. and get back with me, I'm fine just getting that response from a real person about my glasses.

wow, I have 5 tickets from about 2 weeks ago, none answered, I bet they are ignoring all the old stuff, because people will eventually re-email them
I'm not sure if this is common knowledge or not, but the diode is from the XJ-A130 projector. Information from Steve.
If I recall, the G2 version has a low power setting and it might meet those beam specs at the lower power. I think I recall a recent post from a member reporting this condition.
TRUE -- We expect the beam quality at full power but at 1 Watt -- that's bright in anyone's book.

which end of the battery goes into the arctic first? ive seen videos telling me 2 different things, along with the manual too.
Negative end in, positive end out. The picture in the manual is correct, but the + terminal is incorrectly labeled -.
Ok, confirmed that the negative end goes in first, added to OP near battery info.
Thanks to all of you, keep the info coming in, as well as the questions.
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which end of the battery goes into the arctic first? ive seen videos telling me 2 different things, along with the manual too.

Most videos said go by the photo in the manual, not the words.

I, however, am rather happy I bought an arctic, and have no regret of doing so. I've seen both very bad, and extremely good beam spec reports. So some flat out got unlucky, others were very lucky.

So no matter the way it comes to me, I'll be happy. If it goes on, I'll love it. Rather the beam spec is good/bad, its either a distance or a burner. And a little hacking if you are that picky can be acquired.
