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FrozenGate by Avery

Sipik HK21 445nm @1.56A *PIC HEAVY*

Feb 9, 2011
Sipik HK21 445nm @1.56A
host/heat sink by qumefox



This host has been sitting at my desk for a few months until just recently I had some time to do a build :yh: I orginally intended to use this host for the BDR-S06J diode, but since I had an extra 445 (thanks rhd) I thought might as well!

When I first started building this I ran into a couple of problems, the driver space was a tad bit small to fit my custom made driver. So I contacted Chris (qumefox) to see if he could design me a larger heat sink which turned out quite beautifully. The other problem I ran into was the switch, it seems it can't handle getting soldered to a wire without damage so Chris also fixed that for me.

The machining is excellent and the focus adapter and tripod was a nice touch to its overall appearance. I accidentally dropped the heatsink onto the tile floor and left a couple of dents :mad:

Build Pics:

Custom driver I made

Diode connected to driver connected to switch (case pin used as the battery negative)

I wrapped the bottom of the driver with some polyimide tape to prevent it from touching the sides of the heatsink that could cause a short

longer heatsink. You can see the dent where I dropped it

I used my dremel to widen the inside a bit and sanded the edges of my driver to get it to fit all inside

Testing. Running at 1.556A off 2 3.6V CR123 batteries. Since it's a linear driver the current at the tail or mid piece is the same as current going into the laser diode.


I used an Aixiz 3 element AR coated glass lens


(left) Solarforce L2 445nm Flexdrive V5 @ 1.5A vs. (right) Sipik HK21 445nm custom driver @ 1.56A





No planes/helicopters in the sky, just the stars :yh:


Always wear your safety goggles! :cool:


Very nice. Do the batteries fit in there ok? I know it can't fit a protected 18650 very well.:beer:
Thanks DTR! The batteries were a tight fit actually because they were button tops and are about 2mm taller than a regular 18650.
Are you able to screw the host all the way closed. As I pointed out in my review with a protected 18650 the body would not screw all the way into the head. Was wondering if you ran into the same issue.:thinking:
Yeah, I had that problem at first, but it seems the button top gave in a bit and screws all the way in now. Kind of worried me at first and I'm thinking I'm going to get some flat tops to see if its any better.
