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FrozenGate by Avery

NUBM07E 465nm 2.9W Diode Test (Hitting 470nm+)

May 25, 2010
Hey All,


Here is a Power,Wavelength and a couple beam shots of the New 465nm NUBM07 Laser diode.:D

This is an Awesome diode with the highest wavelength we have seen so far stable with the highest power. I'd say its a "Sky Blue" diode running it at the Max Current that we typically run diodes at today. These Peak Higher then the 462nm diodes thats for sure.

This diode hits 470nm No problem. I bet we may even see some get closer to 480nm Before roll back.:wave:

Its Rated for 2.3A at 2.9W with MAX current of 3.5A


Here is the Datasheet:

The back of the diode. It says 465 on it. (The diode was scratched when i got it like that but you can still make it out so its for sure a new diode we have never seen before)

Beam Specs compared to the NUBM41/44/05T:

Beam size near field is ~1.85mm x 3.2mm for the NUBM07E @ 3.5A. This measurement was taken at 10" from the actual G-lens. I used a dichroic mirror that passes the blue @ a 45 and measured the back reflection waste beam that comes off it. The image above is not spatial filtered. But just regular beams with G lenses. As you can see much better.:D

Power Tests are done with a G lens.

Here is a Graph for those that want to skip the images:


























:D Nearly 5W of 470nm+ Clean.:) Epic.:wave:

It is to be noted that the power test was done at a more realistic temp for Handhelds of ~30C-40C. If you are curious at 25C expect ~500mW more power in the images.:)

Wavelength charts:


Recommended Typical Current:

Recommend MAX Current:


Right before Role back at this Temp:

Right after roll back if your willing to push it for Higher WL with risk of diode damage:

Again it is to be Noted and payed attention that the ROLLBACK will be at a different point if your diode is at a different Temp then what i show. Pretty much anything above 5A is not recommended IMO and with 4.5A being the MAX... The typical roll back i noticed is around 5.5A-5.8A at 25C. So if your experimenting to get that extra 1 or 2nm out of the diode just pay attention. I do know that at least for this diode it wont die up to 5.8A... Past that i do not know. Dint want to push it until i get more diodes in.:)

Here are a couple Quick Videos:

^With a Glimpse of the next diode i will be posting.:whistle:

All in all this is a World Breaking diode. 470nm+ with a tighter beam profile then the other NUBMXX diodes give is Just plain awesome. With the Higher Wavelength that these give at a much higher power then the 462nm diodes its just something we have not seen yet. These are as close as we got to 473nm diodes and id say we are kissing right at the edge.;)

These are Not only brighter but also tighter beam then what we have seen in 3W+ diodes. So i think these would be a Great blue "sky blue?" addition for combining and maybe even a better option. What i can say is these are a much sharper line/dot then the other NUBMXX diodes and ill try to show that later. Very Similar to M140 when it comes to sharpness.... Ill be correcting this beam a little later and will post an update. I got too many different new diodes in all at once "like 8" to test and just been overloaded. So the more intense beam testing has been lagging but iam getting there.:)

More to come......


Note the NUBM07E is on the top & the 44 is on the bottom. It is also to be noted that the 44 is flipped upside down by mistake so that all the extra strips are on the top side of the image beam rather then the bottom. Doesnt matter but i'd like that to be clear as if the diode was right side up you would see all the extra strips mostly on the bottom. Both diodes where at 3.5A so thats pretty much full power.


Thanks For Looking.!!!

Keep on Lazing.....
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Holy crud nice wish i had the kind of money to do testing like that. :D

Edit: AW yea second post in thread :na:
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Hot damn, that's one beautiful diode you've got there.:beer: Any idea if, and when these could become available?
These are Cool diodes thats for sure.:)

Yes they are available now on ebay but ill have some in for the store in alittle. Iam sure DTR will have them too.:wave:

I hope we find some high bin ones hitting near or above 480nm. I have not really pushed the diode past the roll back much but iam certain i can hit 480nm.
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Awesome! Did you decan it, or did it not have those wonky stock lenses on it?
That's not as expensive as I thought they would be, definitely not cheap, but at least you can keep your firstborn. :crackup:

Wow, for a near 480nm high binned one, I'd give up a whole lot of that power!

BTW - Thanks for sharing this with us.
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DROOOOOOLLL, this is a great news. As I mentioned in other DTR threads, we are seeing some great new diodes coming out in the year or so. Just great for hobbyist community.

Now I need to win a lottery to buy all these diodes ;)
I need to get money for lottery tickets first :D
This is some awesome stuff. Even 1 watt of sweet 480nm photons would be epic! I would love what some of the pros can do with these diodes. I hope they don't have the window problems like with the NUBM44... Thanks for sharing lazeerer! Will rep when I get to a pc
So these are about 125 per diode then? I'm definitely going to get one. This is the best blue diode so far! Someone pinch me this can't be real.
This is sure to be an amazing diode. I can't wait to one day see such intense sky blue in person. Thanks for the review. This diode will likely bump my other builds farther down the queue. Have you had the chance to test more than one to see what kind of wavelength range we can expect, or do you think this one is pretty representative?
:beer::beer::beer: MMMmmmmmmmmm !!!!! Tighter and brighter ( due the 462 nm line )

A BIG YES !!!!!!!! Too many new diodes...too little $$$$$$

Thanks Angelos for the excellent review !!!

And...It is likely this beam will need to be corrected...but..we have a plan for that !!!...adds 1 7/8 "
(47.27mm) to the end of the build....NO big deal !!!

See the pic !!!!! The concept is...EZ !!!
The Heat sink ( made from a single length of solid Aluninum rod ) will have a " front porch"....an extension....extending out the front. That extension will then give a place for the Cylindrical lenses to sit. The Cylindrical lenses can be epoxied to the extension !!

Note that the extension is only a portion of the circle...and even where it does exist....there is a 2.5mm cut-back.

This cut-back then allows the bezel retainer ring to be screwed into the host body.

This is just the normal way we capture the heat sink....but now... the plan is to have the bezel retainer ring capture/hold the heat sink portion within the ID of the Host tube ....with the extension sticking out the front !!!!!! ...so...the extension portion just extends out past the bezel retainer ring..... Simple !!!

The one piece of Aluminum now functions as both a heat sink and a place on which to mount the optics !!! Cost of the extended heat sink= should be ...reasonable !!!...And the Optics...well...another 40~50 bucks !!!

Well...If ya want to correct your beam....THIS is one way to do it !!!


    101.2 KB · Views: 681
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Thanx again Angelos for your pioneering work !!

I for one...want it all !!! Tight and Bright !!!

This one is a real keeper !!!:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:

And for ...Combining....Hmmmmm....What say you about a little mixing between the 520nm line and the 470 nm line ?????
A candidate for the " Cyan Cannon " ????? you bet !!!
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Thanx again Angelos for your pioneering work !!

I for one...want it all !!! Tight and Bright !!!

This one is a real keeper !!!:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:

And for ...Combining....Hmmmmm....What say you about a little mixing between the 520nm line and the 470 nm line ?????
A candidate for the " Cyan Cannon " ????? you bet !!!

Definitely need your corrective optics for this once I'm able to buy one :)
Definitely need your corrective optics for this once I'm able to buy one :)

Hmmmm ???? A simple , inexpensive solid host....like a Black-Maglite S2CO-16 might be a very reasonable host to start with !!!

Two (2) 25500 LiPo's replace the two (2) C-cells as the PSupply....likely has a good switch !! Host OD is good....Obtainable....like...everywhere !!!

Start with that...Add the special heat sink with extension ( HSWE ) ....Plus the new NUBM07E LD..in a CU module....throw two (2) cylindrical lenses on the front end....a G2 Collimation lens....and add ... a perfect Lazeree 5A driver.......Waaaa Laaa !!!

All I need is a catchy name !!! Thinking !!! HAHAHAHA Ideas ???? Everything's gotta have a name !!! Ya know....Like.....
" Royal Blue Ramjet " ... Electrons IN =======> Photons OUT !!!! :D:D:D


Now....to cobble together a " Proof of Concept "..... Stay tuned....for I fear Angelos has " Lite the Fuse " !!!!!

And...the 465~470nm line is absolutely a beautiful color !!!....So....Great power, Great color and correctable...Home Run !!!
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I still have some 445's left over in my concert projectors I need to swap out, and can't wait for these to hit the shops. One of my 462's runs closer to 465, and the color is glorious....can't wait to see these in action. My older 445's are really starting to look lame by comparison. At 465 you're really starting to get that look of classic Argon, and it's amazing.

Curious what industry these diodes are coming from. For classic display projection 465nm is starting to get out of gamut for proper RGB use, so it must be another application.
These are awesome and I have some on the way for testing but i am very concerned about selling diodes you have to rip the can off to use leaving the dye exposed. I may not carry them till I can find a source with a regular can on them like the NUBM44's compared to the NUBM41's.
