Ive had a few PM's and seen a few topics of Pulsing flexdrives & Microboosts, here's how i solved mine.
Most of the time as the more experienced members have said, its down to poor quality batteries, poor soldering and poor wiring/ switch.
But if youv'e tried everything, heres how i cured mine.
Step one :-
Get an XBOX360 RAM thermal transfer pad either off eBay >>LINK<<
or off a scrap XBOX360.
Step Two :-
Cut it in half with scalpel blade or similar.
Step 3 :-
Mount the pads as illustrated...
And thats it, no more pulsing!
I know people, including myself, had the driver mounted inside the pill, but i couldnt effectivley heatsink it that way, so i mounted it "on top" of the pill.
And thats it really :beer:
Most of the time as the more experienced members have said, its down to poor quality batteries, poor soldering and poor wiring/ switch.
But if youv'e tried everything, heres how i cured mine.
Step one :-
Get an XBOX360 RAM thermal transfer pad either off eBay >>LINK<<
or off a scrap XBOX360.

Step Two :-
Cut it in half with scalpel blade or similar.

Step 3 :-
Mount the pads as illustrated...

And thats it, no more pulsing!
I know people, including myself, had the driver mounted inside the pill, but i couldnt effectivley heatsink it that way, so i mounted it "on top" of the pill.
And thats it really :beer: