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FS: MXDL Host & Heatsink Combo! (4171 or 3405)

Very nice looking build man! :)

Thanks for posting your pictures...

XysteR, I'm shipping your 4171 Host/Heatsink combo and other items today! (AixiZ version 2) I'll make it to the Post Office before they close.

Hope you like it! :)
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Re: FS: MXDL Host & Heatsink Combo! (4171 or 3405)

Very nice looking build man! Cool

Thanks for posting your pictures...

It's technically your build so you're essentially complimenting yourself ;D. But yes, it's beautiful. And no problem, I hope they help sell your product even more!

I always use just the front (business end) of the AixiZ module and a FlexDrive...

But your pictures show that there is room inside the (new style) 4171 host for a full length AixiZ module to fit if desired! :)
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Re: FS: MXDL Host & Heatsink Combo! (4171 or 3405)

MPlaser, I am shipping your 3405/AixiZ version 1 Host/Heatsink combo with 'Hot' option today. (Friday)

I have your FlexDrive set at 125mA's per our conversation. (blu-ray test load)

Hope your build goes well! :)
Thanks Jay. I got the package Monday but unfortunately I'm back at my dorm and i had it shipped to my house!! I won't be able to start until this coming weekend :( but boy am i anxious to start!!!
Should be an easy build with the 'Hot' option! ;)

As long as you get your diode pressed into the module and soldered properly, you'll be good to go!

Let us know how it goes...
Oh My Oh My. My first laser build...

405 G-1 lens mod, heatsink and host from jayrob
101 mW driver from rkcstr
Bluray diode harvested from a Xbox360 HDDVD

Finally managed to complete my build earlier this evening. (i should have been working but couldn't wait)

To put it simply, i'm totally and utterly stunned! Straight after i completed the build i switched it on and started to gradually pull the focus in on the laser using a pair of needle nose pliers. When i found the sweet spot i just couldn't belive my eyes. My mother has a collection of crystal glasses in a mirrored display cabinet so i turned all of the lights out and switched the laser on to shine it on them, Lordy its pure eye candy! In a pitch black room it illuminated everywhere with purple, blue and even green refracted & reflected light. I can now see the addiction with lasers, videos just do them no justice. Dazzling!

One thing i noticed though is that the laser is sometimes blue, just like the 473's? Move the laser on one thing i get purple, something else blue? Weird but wonderful - I thought it'd be constantly purple?

Just a question: It really was very dazzlingly bright playing around with the laser, is this safe with no eye protection? I was very careful not to let the beam bounce back in my face off the mirrors whilst using it.

Many thanks to jayrob and rkcstr for supplying me with the components needed to build this marvelous thing. I think i'm gonna build another soon :D
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Good to see you got your blu-ray built! Thanks for posting back.:)

About the hazards, yes! You can get reflections and eye damage, so you have to be very careful. And of course with others around too...
@XysteR, under the 405nm light from your laser many things fluoresce, i.e. they give off light at a longer wavelength. I've found that many things give off either green light or some sort of pinkish-reddish-white, but other colors are also possible.

No problem Jay, thanks again for the help.
When i shine the beam generally on walls etc is it safe to look at the dot for long for focussing and stuff? Just wondering because it really is extremely bright, i scaremongered myself last night a bit because i was thinking this dot might be like staring at a welding arc or something. I've just realised that i've pretty much 'shot first - asked questions later'. Not really the way to go when it comes to safety lol


Ah i see. I noticed when i pointed the laser at dark pine the beam would turn almost white. I get greens coming through inside a bunch of crystal glasses. At around 10 feet on white wallpaper i get purple, if i move it down the wall to around 20 feet i get blue.
I'm afraid to give advice on your eyes, but I personally hardly wear eye protection for general pointing. You just have to be careful...

If you look at the sun too long, you will see 'spots'. Same for welding. So if you see anything like this after looking at the dot, then it is not a good thing.
Ways, I am sending your 3405/AixiZ version 2 Host/Heatsink combo today. (Tuesday)

Hope to see some comments on your build! :)
Asherz, just to let you know that I shipped your 4171/AixiZ version 1 Host/Heatsink combo today. (Wednesday)

I cleaned out the pill and put lead wires on there for you per our conversation...

Should be an easy build! :)
whats up everyone im a new member here and been lurking for about a month now and been doing some research. I finally pulled the trigger on one of JayRobs setups

new style 4171 host with version 2 heatsink.
Aixiz module with the 405-g-1 glass lense mod.
Flex driver

from another source i picked up a AW210 Diode.

im going to be doing the wireing myself,and am willing to make a video of the Build if anyone would be interested. I am going to start a build thread and post all this there if its wanted by anyone.

Id have to say JayRob is an excellent guy to get this stuff from,i must of traded at least 30 emails with the guy with a bunch of little questions,not one time did this guy give me a cold shoulder or get aggarvated. Always replied fast and he also ships fast too. So far this guy has won my business on future orders.

Thanks everyone and look forward to this build!

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Hey thanks for the compliments! You may think differently after you receive your package... Just kidding. :D

I'm sure you will like the kit and 405-G-1 glass lens mod! :)

I sent your package today! (Thursday)

Hope your build goes well!
Archienj7, just to let you know that your 4171/AixiZ version 1 Host/Heatsink combo shipped today. (Saturday)

I cleaned out the pill and put the lead wires on there for you per your request for an extra $10 bucks...

Hope your build goes well! :)
