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FrozenGate by Avery

DTR's Laser Shop - Laser Diodes & More

Re: DTR's Laser Shop - 1.5W-2W A140 diodes $40 shipped US

Hello DTR; I made my first purchase on eBay last night (rkrusz01) and this is my first posting.

I am curious if you know what the Aixiz module that holds the laser diode is made of. I read that it's brass.

My first project is a bench top laser so I can experiment a bit. I'm mounting the Aixiz module in a copper heat sink with Arctic Silver adhesive so the module material probably doesn't matter so much--but I'm still curious anyway. :)

I also have space for a cooling fan planned in case free-air cooling isn't enough. Up to 75CFM, temp controlled. (Probably overkill).

I'll be using an externally regulated current source so that's why I didn't get the FlexDrive. I did get a spare laser diode though...hopefully I won't need that for awhile.
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Re: DTR's Laser Shop - 1.5W-2W A140 diodes $40 shipped US

Ok thanks for the reply!

It turned out that I won't be using a copper heat sink after all...:banghead:
Copper is really hard to drill out/tap and the tap broke off at the surface of heat sink I wanted to use. I'll do a little more surfin' to see if I can find something that fits already. I have a ton of fans left over from my computer projects otherwise those brushless PWM fans are the way to go.

EDIT: I found Flaminpyro's link and he has some that I can use. Since this forum is "Laser POINTER" I didn't look around too hard at first...
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Re: DTR's Laser Shop - 1.5W-2W A140 diodes $43 shipped US

I just rec'd them today. They are smaller than I expected; I bet a lot of people say that though. :) My next purchase will probably be in January when I have some eBay Bucks to use.

I haven't reached Flaminpyro yet but I'll keep trying.
EDIT: FYI for anyone who happens to read that statement above; Flaminpyro has been swamped and did contact me yesterday.
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Re: DTR's Laser Shop - 1.5W-2W A140 diodes $43 shipped US

Payment sent for 635 module, do they come with the standard acrylic lens?
Re: DTR's Laser Shop - 1.5W-2W A140 diodes $43 shipped US

Payment sent for 635 module, do they come with the standard acrylic lens?

Yes the Aixiz module comes with a standard Acrylic. I also offer three element glass lenses for red for $8 and 405-G-2's for $45.:beer:
Re: DTR's Laser Shop - 1.5W-2W A140 diodes $43 shipped US

I have a half-thread, 3 element glass 600-800nm lens set aside for this- but I'm tempted on the G-2! Maybe next week. Possibly a red LED as well.
Re: DTR's Laser Shop - 1.5W-2W A140 diodes $43 shipped US

Got my stuff today.

Would like to say that DTR has been very, VERY helpful, answered quite a lot of my questions over a few days ;)

Re: DTR's Laser Shop - 1.5W-2W A140 diodes $43 shipped US

It seems your 12x diodes are out of stock. Are you getting more in soon?

I need to replace the diode in my wife's 12x pocket-mini.
Re: DTR's Laser Shop - 1.5W-2W A140 diodes $43 shipped US

Tracking shows the next batch will be here tomorrow so I will open up the ordering. You can go ahead and purchase them now. It will go out Monday if there is time or Tuesday morning at the latest.;)
Re: DTR's Laser Shop - 1.5W-2W A140 diodes $43 shipped US

Received the 635 module this weekend. Only running @ 255mw until I get a heatsink setup, makes my other red lasers look tired. Can't wait to crank up the power! Thanks!
Re: DTR's Laser Shop - 1.5W-2W A140 diodes $43 shipped US

Hello there,

When do you expect 638nm diodes to come in?

Also, can you explain what you meant about 455nm XJA-140 diodes being of questionable efficiency at wherever available sources that still offer them in stock. Is your M-140 different.

Re: DTR's Laser Shop - 1.5W-2W A140 diodes $43 shipped US

Hello there,

When do you expect 638nm diodes to come in?

Also, can you explain what you meant about 455nm A140 diodes being of questionable efficiency at wherever available sources that still offer them in stock. Is your M140 different.


They are expected around the 15th.

The A140 and the M140 "Projectors" both come with the higher binned diodes. But the A series has been pulled from the market and is no longer available. But there are a few sources popping up offering the new replacement arrays from Ca$!o that are meant for authorized repair facilities to refurbish the A140 projector with. However these arrays have a bin code of "A" on them as the actual arrays that are found in new projectors are as follows. A130's had "B" the A230's W and the A140's have "X". So the logic here is the replacement arrays are the bottom of the barrel as far as efficiency goes even worse than the 130's. It also would show that Ca$!o does not care about refurbishing the projector back to it's original glory but just patching it up and getting it back out the door.

So as time moves on you should see all the sellers of 445 diodes move to the M140's which are more expensive. My cost per diode went up $3.33 each. Otherwise if they seem to have an endless stream of A140's you can assume they are getting them from these low binned arrays making a very nice profit and handing out very under efficient diodes.;)
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Re: DTR's Laser Shop - 1.5W-2W A140 diodes $43 shipped US

i see what you mean.
Re: DTR's Laser Shop - 1.5W-2W A140 diodes $43 shipped US

I am interested in your "445nm M140 Diode In Module With Leads & 405-G-2 Glass Lens" I already have a couple of drivers for the builds. I was wondering besides this what else I would need besides a heat sink to press the modules into? Do these come with the focus ring?

I am getting the impression that I would press the module into a sink then install it into a host with the leads connected to the driver at which point I am good to go?
