Ok so he decided to sell to someone else instead, or perhaps he did get confused? Perhaps he'd been contacted by someone prior to your message and was still negotiating the price?
Either way this doesn't really make him a dishonest person. This would be the case if he cheated someone, or never shipped. As such your assertion that he is a dishonest seller is wrong.
Yes you might be p***ed you missed a deal, but trying to wreck his FS thread is rather unfair not very decent of you.:tsk:
Also. Sellers reserve the right to deny sale to any buyer for any reason. They do not have to specify the reason or even make the potential buyer aware that they have denied sale to them. Not saying this is the case, but I am saying that this isn't an issue worth bitching about.
If no money or goods have been mishandled or misappropriated in any way, then there is no fault.
I agree with both the above.
Back when I made custom made-to-order lasers, I denied plenty of people. You wouldn't believe the number of people I simply didn't reply to.
So many people with 0, or 1-2 posts asking for a 3W "burning laser" that I just didn't even message back.
He doesn't even need to defend his actions. I'm sure he only did so due to attack. He can deny the first 17 people and sell it to the 18th if he wanted to. He's not obliged to sell it to the first offer. Simply obliged to mail it out once a payment is received.
Sorry you both feel this way but this is a piss poor practice and not something I would expect others to defend. Read the thread it is clear what happened and he had amole time to correct the mistake but choose NOT to. Everyday I loose faith more in more in the members here and for good reason.
What good is a sale thread sending PM's and any of that for if the seller is doing backdoor deals? Wow super suprised anyone disagreed with me on this but I haven't seen everything that's for sure
I agree with both the above.
Back when I made custom made-to-order lasers, I denied plenty of people. You wouldn't believe the number of people I simply didn't reply to.
So many people with 0, or 1-2 posts asking for a 3W "burning laser" that I just didn't even message back.
He doesn't even need to defend his actions. I'm sure he only did so due to attack. He can deny the first 17 people and sell it to the 18th if he wanted to. He's not obliged to sell it to the first offer. Simply obliged to mail it out once a payment is received.
Well that makes this form suck and you feel proud to say it. I had a PM conversation and was waiting for better pictures of another item he was selling before I paid so I didn't make 2 separate purchases. But that is all under the bridge and most seem to think I'm wrong for being mislead. Fuck that
Go into many small run convenience stores, and you will see a sign that reads "we have full right to deny sale to any person".
The seller is not held by any restraint to sell to only the first person to offer. Many times this is the case, 9 times out of 10, first offer gets it. Early bird gets the worm.
But that doesn't mean that it is SUPPOSED to happen.
Maybe he missed it. It's possible. When you're getting messages from people you don't know, to buy a laser, the 4-8 names can get mixed up. It's happened to me. Especially when running group buys.
I really think you need to relax and realize how little this issue is in the grand scheme of things.
You didn't lose your money, your life, health, home, anything. Just a few minutes wasted typing messages.
You're putting more effort into getting mad about this, than you did trying to get the laser in the first place.
But that's none of my business.
Sometimes money talks, the rest walks.
I've been in the same boat...I see a thread selling something I might be interested in if I could have a few questions answered so I can be sure I wanted it...
...I say something like, sounds good, but does it have an xyz switch or an abc switch?
And someone else doesn't care and says "here's $10, thanks!"
And, they committed first, and, I lost out because I was still talking about it.
Sometimes I see the thread 30 minutes after its posted, and, other's PM'd about it 1 minute after it was posted...and they had dibs before I even knew there was something for sale.
Its not dishonest to sell to someone besides me...even if I wish they HAD sold to me...but, if I had made an offer, and someone's PM I didn't know about had dibs, I can accept that.
Its just how I see it.
You didn't get what you wanted. Boo hoo. grow up and get on. If you don't like the fact that EVERYONE who has bothered to respond to your childish thread dissagrees with you. 1) tuff, 2) gee, tuff, 3) If you don't like the forum because you didn't get patted on the head, put a sock in it and leave.......
Hmm it's the usual reaction to disagree with members who come off angry; however, starlight has a valid case. He did give an offer that was as good as any other, before the others, but yet was somehow overlooked in the sale. While sellers don't have to sell to anyone, it's not customary to deny someone sale for no given reason especially when the customer is a reputable member. Also, he had time to correct the shipment of the sale as well and didn't. Even trussmonkey25 knew he made a big mistake as he essentially committed to selling it to starlight but mistakedly didn't. Whether it was intentional or not, it's still very rude to deny without reason.
We don't know the intentions of the seller (whether it was a mistake or not) so we can't really call the judgement on his honesty. I'd say it's good to let off some steam about a missed deal as that can be rather frustrating.
I can understand why he shipped it to the person who paid for it.
I can't

t happens, we all make mistakes.
yep some of us correct it some leave it alone
You didn't get what you wanted. Boo hoo. grow up and get on. If you don't like the fact that EVERYONE who has bothered to respond to your childish thread dissagrees with you. 1) tuff, 2) gee, tuff, 3) If you don't like the forum because you didn't get patted on the head, put a sock in it and leave.......
nice not sure why your so pissed but you are wrong in many ways. And who made you boss? oh and I already had planned to leave the forum (I've mentioned it several times over the last month or so) because the members are a new demographic and not for the better. That includes YOU!
Hmm it's the usual reaction to disagree with members who come off angry; however, starlight has a valid case. He did give an offer that was as good as any other, before the others, but yet was somehow overlooked in the sale. While sellers don't have to sell to anyone, it's not customary to deny someone sale for no given reason especially when the customer is a reputable member. Also, he had time to correct the shipment of the sale as well and didn't. Even trussmonkey25 knew he made a big mistake as he essentially committed to selling it to starlight but mistakedly didn't. Whether it was intentional or not, it's still very rude to deny without reason.
We don't know the intentions of the seller (whether it was a mistake or not) so we can't really call the judgement on his honesty. I'd say it's good to let off some steam about a missed deal as that can be rather frustrating.
Thanks Photonz for being the only level headed person to respond. I think a few jumped on me trying to impress trussmonkey hahaha what fools. The others failed to read or lack reading skills to understand the situation and are doing nothing but bringing the form and it's sellers into jeopardy. I for one will stop buying from members as so many feel they don't have to respect others and don't have to explain themselves if there is a issue.
Pretty intense and unwarranted over reaction to a mistake. Calling someone dishonest for a mistake they've admitted to having made is pretty low.
I'd rather deal with someone who can admit and apologise for a mistake, than someone who can't get over being slightly inconvenienced as a result of someone else's.
Pretty outrageous reaction. If he was being dishonest, that's one thing, but to go as far as to want him to be banned, in the original thread, that's crazy.