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Ok this has gone too far - JLSE/WANNABURN

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Ears and Eggs

Staff member
LPF Site Supporter
Oct 1, 2007

Just to inform that without any notice, PM or e-mail, Wannaburn / JLSE have deposited $410,00 CAD, that is the rest of the money he owned me. So this matter for me has ended, I'm glad that he payed, better later than never.

I received a lot of help of many users of this forum, and because this help I got my money back, so thanks very much everyone who helped.


Awesome, glad that you got your money back and that JLSE eventually came through. :) Best possible ending to this story.


Nov 2, 2009

Just to inform that without any notice, PM or e-mail, Wannaburn / JLSE have deposited $410,00 CAD, that is the rest of the money he owned me. So this matter for me has ended, I'm glad that he payed, better later than never.

I received a lot of help of many users of this forum, and because this help I got my money back, so thanks very much everyone who helped.


Good that he payed back the money he owned ya. Didn´t expect an exkuse after all either, but it´s much more important that you have your money again.

Anytime :beer:
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Jul 17, 2009
Cool beans, I'm glad that it worked out. You handled it brilliantly reginak.:wave:

I for one would like to have JSLE back in the forum in some way, I think that everyone deserves a second chance and we have always been a forum of such. Let this thread serve as a reminder that you always have to be careful humans are humans at best and we all make mistakes it's what we do after the mistake that define us and it seems although a very long time has passed JSLE has made up on a very dark stain on his reputation, with that said I hope to see more of reginaks sweet laser collection also her fun laser vids, as well as JSLEs great epic build post and experiments.:)

Why though? Over the course of the last sixteen months he's proven his lack of care for customers and willingness to run off with money.

It was decided a while back in the thread that the account should be kept open so he couldn't use being banned as an excuse for not giving a refund... now that the refund is issued, can we get rid of him?

After taking reginak for a ride that lasted over a year, he no longer deserves to use LPF as a vehicle to peddle his trinkets.

Jan 8, 2009
Why though? Over the course of the last sixteen months he's proven his lack of care for customers and willingness to run off with money.

It was decided a while back in the thread that the account should be kept open so he couldn't use being banned as an excuse for not giving a refund... now that the refund is issued, can we get rid of him?

After taking reginak for a ride that lasted over a year, he no longer deserves to use LPF as a vehicle to peddle his trinkets.


Cool beans, I'm glad that it worked out. You handled it brilliantly reginak.

I for one would like to have JSLE back in the forum in some way, I think that everyone deserves a second chance and we have always been a forum of such. Let this thread serve as a reminder that you always have to be careful humans are humans at best and we all make mistakes it's what we do after the mistake that define us and it seems although a very long time has passed JSLE has made up on a very dark stain on his reputation, with that said I hope to see more of reginaks sweet laser collection also her fun laser vids, as well as JSLEs great epic build post and experiments.

Here was my responce to those who would want to buy directly, but I don't have all the answers I just liked him:can: I feel as though we should treat people with repose in respect to there mistakes. I bet reginak feels different and while we should extend grace to those who fail let it serve as a remider about how much bigger we as a community can really be.:thanks:
Mar 27, 2011
This is fantastic news :D

I've been in touch with WB very briefly... literally couple of short email exchanges.

(Yes he still does check that email address.)

There is no excuse for what he did.

That said though, I really don't believe he took, or held onto the money with any malice intended.

Life happens, and for him family took priority over everything else. How many of us would do otherwise?

Should he be allowed to sell here after this incident? No, of course not.

Should he be banned... imho no he shouldn't. There are other members who have screwed up in worse ways with more people. So long as they try to make amends, or do make amends, allow them to stay please.

This community is not that big, and let's face it, in a family, a community, someone will always be screwing up. (Or maybe that's just my family:p)
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Jul 17, 2009
Should he be allowed to sell? No, of course not.

Should he be banned... imo no he shouldn't. There are other members who have screwed up in worse ways with more people. So long as they try to make amends, or do make amends, allow them to stay please.

Thing is... that's tough to do. There's no way to prevent newer members (or even not-so-new, but not informed) from seeing his builds and sending him yet another interest-free, long-term loan. There's no way to ensure that he won't use LPF as a sales vehicle under the table.

Is there a good way to solve that problem, that doesn't involve a ban?

EDIT: To be clear, I'm referring to sales happening through private communications resulting from his presence on the forum.

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Mar 27, 2011
Thing is... that's tough to do. There's no way to prevent newer members (or even not-so-new, but not informed) from seeing his builds and sending him yet another interest-free, long-term loan. There's no way to ensure that he won't use LPF as a sales vehicle under the table.

Is there a good way to solve that problem, that doesn't involve a ban?

Not there isn't.

The problem is there is nothing to prevent a sale, regardless of LPF, and even a ban. If someone wanted to, they can get in touch with him by other avenues. None of us, him included, keep our contact information very hidden.

The only realistic option is just not permitting him to open FS threads on here.


Feb 27, 2011
I do not want to see JLSE banned, as the builds he has showcased here on LPF have probably been the neatest things I've ever seen. Dual diode lasers, DPSS inside an axiz module, DIY 473nm handheld, ect.
The amount he has contributed to the community is amazing, and out of respect for his contributions alone I think he shouldn't be banned.


Nov 25, 2008
Having no money is excusable.

Having someone off then effectively disappearing without a word, whilst still being active elsewhere (youtube ect) is inexcusable .

I dont see how he can come back from this, as much as I admire his skill & builds.
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Apr 2, 2009
I really have a hard time not thinking that there were 'private' reasons that Joe had for all this. New babies in the household and who-knows-what-all other problems must have had caused him to do what he did. The bottom line- if Lady Regina wants this closed we need to respect that and move on- no ban.. Any member, new or old, can read all that has happened here with this and if they still choose to buy from Joe that that's their choice.

I would buy from Joe again. Its quite clear that Lady Regina is not living in poverty. In Brazil there is practically no middle class. Does that mean she should be mistreated?? ... certainly not. Did she 'suffer' during the LONG wait- not too much IMO.

I kinda doubt that Joe is eager to sell here ATM anyway-- And its a stretch of anyone's imagination if its thought that 'scamming' was Joes's intention all along.

Lessen learned? be understanding and realistic about custom builds- and changing things mid stream can result in problems that only a crystal ball can predict. Being persistant can work both ways-
solo mis dos centavos--- hak
Jun 7, 2012
He settled his debt but doesn't really seem interested in returning. Kinda makes "deciding the rules of his return" a moot point. Anyways...

Grats Reginak and GJ JLSE - Shows some quality of character following through with this.


Nov 2, 2009
I´m sure he had private / personal issues, but what has reginak to do with this? Yeah I´m happy that Joe refunded her her cash, but an excuse, even just two or three lines, would have shown that Joe felt sorry for all that shit happened (he should!!).

I don´t know exactly how American´s mentality work, but personally I just would have told Regina that I´m having money problems right now, but she is going to get her cash back. Regina was VERY patient during the whole situation, I know for sure that she wouldn´t have opened a public thread, if Joes just had told her that he is going to refund her the money within the next 2, 3.. months.

Ped summed it up perfectly btw :beer:

Edit: Len, I think this has nothing to do with the whole situation

I would buy from Joe again. Its quite clear that Lady Regina is not living in poverty. In Brazil there is practically no middle class. Does that mean she should be mistreated?? ... certainly not. Did she 'suffer' during the LONG wait- not too much IMO.
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Apr 2, 2009
He settled his debt but doesn't really seem interested in returning. Kinda makes "deciding the rules of his return" a moot point. Anyways...

Grats Reginak and GJ JLSE - Shows some quality of character following through with this.

I agree..

"... but doesn't really seem interested in returning"

just how did you come to that conclusion??

I did not think we would be seeing a new thread
"How do you like me NOW!!"

I think they ( his biz is family affair) would want to go easy for a while and see how we react to all this is now , TG, over.

Trying some kind of sanctions short of a ban sounds like a bad idea and not at all practical- Lets just let admin and our mods make this call and then accept that.
You can trust that the mods will do what is needed.

I have no doubt that this whole deal was no picnic for Joe and his wife- they made no profit from the 'loan' No return on the labor spent and lost many potential customers-- you cannot ask for 'amends' and then not allow a way to do that..

Jun 7, 2012
"... but doesn't really seem interested in returning"

just how did you come to that conclusion??

The guy hasn't logged onto LPF for over 6 months, to my knowledge he only has spoken to Daguin, and he didn't say a word to Reginak before the refund. Seems a lot like he's keeping his distance.
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Dec 13, 2007
Not sure where to begin, but will keep this short. I have been away from the forum for some time
and with reasons which are personal and will remain with me. I can only apologize to reginak for
the duration of time which passed before I was able to refund $ owed.

I sent the remaining balance to her, and have cleared up this debt.

I would also like to add that this was the only issue I have had in near 6 years on this forum
regarding money.

I will no longer be offering any custom builds for sale here on the forum. I will continue to list
on ebay, and share posts of builds and projects as I always have.

This situation went bad, but it was not intentional. Everything got put on hold in my life and
did not have the funds to handle this debt. The buyer had the chance to dispute the charge via paypal
up to 45 days, and obviously felt comfortable with the wait given all the changes in my first design
she was asking for.

I see the term 'scam' being used, this was not the case. I would say we are each entitled to our
opinion, and after reviewing some of the comments in this thread, I see a lot of personal issues
coming to the surface.

Again, im not going to make any excuses,, the debt has been paid. This issue was on my mind
since I became inactive on the forum. I had my reasons, and there was nothing I could do.

I would also like to clarify a few things regarding posts in this thread during my absence.

@Kidzdawg The 3 dead diodes you sent me are here in a box ready to ship. The red was beyond repair,
the other 2 3.8mm were too small to 'de-can' as mentioned in a previous PM. My last PM to you was
requesting your shipping address via email, I never heard back. They are still here, and will ship
them pending that info.

A few members posted here as if this was a common occurrence with me. UNTRUE, I have had a series of
life issues to deal with, and had to deal with them. All the while keeping full intention to repay this
single individual on a single deal gone bad. As Dave pointed out, yelling will not help, and did not.
The refund was for me to return, which I did on my own accord.

As for the comments of kicking in my door.... All I will say about this, is that to me that is a threat of violence,
I took it as a threat and wrote a complaint to the owner of this forum as well as a senior mod. I would
offer this, before anybody ever considers an act such as kicking in a door, take a step back an think things
through.. You do not know what is on the other side.

I will not be offering any of my builds for sale here anytime soon. After reading posts like that
of PED who happens to be a moderator " We should all make a purchase from him and not pay, let him battle for his money."
I see nothing but malice, which was never my intent, but at least I have seen some true colours surface. I will simply
update my ignore list, I have no desire to contend with this type of childish nonsense.

Just to recap, this sale was based on a custom dual build where the buyer requested several changes and
was fine with waiting. ALL of my sales for lasers already built have gone smooth. This was a custom request
at a bad time. I deal strictly with paypal, and the buyer has, and has always had the freedom to dispute
the purchase up to 45 days post payment. This was 1 member, with a unique build, at a bad time.

For all those showing their support, and have spoken in my defense, I thank you. I have been here a long
time, and would not run off over a matter of 400. I appreciate your confidence in me, and appreciate
the kind words spoken.

My best to you all... I look forward to writing up some new ideas, designs, and prototypes as before.

Good to be back.

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