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Anyone Willing to Broker a Deal between OVNI and TaterMay?


Oct 16, 2015
TaterMay has three lasers of mine that I purchased in Nov 2015. I created a thread here.

Taylor became severely ill ~Jan/Feb and it took me until now to make contact with his wife, Anne, who finally located them and sent me pictures to prove they still had them. I managed to get some of my money back through three PayPal disputes which covered one complete laser and just the labor and insides for another - I sent him the host. And he has a completely built laser that I sent to him that he fixed (I twisted the wires off between the driver and LD).

But we now seem to be at an impasse. I'm not willing to send the money (again) first and his wife (upon the advice/consent of Taylor) aren't comfortable sending the lasers back to me first. I'm not sure what I did for them to mistrust me but here we are.

I thought maybe there's someone here on LPF that I may have interacted with enough for me to be comfortable with and who also knows, or better yet, Taylor knows and trusts. I was thinking maybe I could send that person the money, Taylor sends them the lasers and when all is good that person completes the transaction.

Any takers or other thoughts?


That seems reasonable, maybe even include a little 5 or 10 dollar incentive for a broker fee as well? I'm sure you'll find someone bud! Goodluck and I hope this little misfortune is over soon! :beer:
Great ideas and fast replies, thanks everyone. I've bought stuff from Rick before too but through eBay. Taylor was getting his hosts, heatsinks, and some other stuff from Rick I believe. In fact, as part of these latest transactions, I sent Taylor two of Rick's hosts and 1 or 2 heatsinks, I forget, since Rick ran out of hosts and raised the heatsink prices. We were going to settle on a price later based on how much repair work he had to do. But due to the latest difficulties, I just wrote them off hoping to just get the lasers back.
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I would be OK with it if you you guys need someone. I'm not sure who wouldn't back me up. Straight up exchange no games.
I almost died a couple years ago from an internal infection so I know what it's like to be laid up on that end stuck in the hospital. After a few days I couldn't stand being there. Felt like if I didn't get out I would die there from something else.
I would be OK with it if you you guys need someone. I'm not sure who wouldn't back me up. Straight up exchange no games.
I almost died a couple years ago from an internal infection so I know what it's like to be laid up on that end stuck in the hospital. After a few days I couldn't stand being there. Felt like if I didn't get out I would die there from something else.

Thanks. I floated the idea of a broker to her/him. Waiting on a response.

My dad is in the hospital right now. He's 80 and suffered a subdural hematoma (bleeding between the brain and skull). Wouldn't wake up for 3+ weeks so all his muscles have atrophied. We're coming up on 6+ weeks now. He hates the hospital so much he's tried to get out of bed so many times that he's been restrained which infuriates him that much more. He can't walk yet and the one time he did get loose he just fell and risked further injury. It's hard enough to watch let alone experience. Glad you got through it.
Thanks. I floated the idea of a broker to her/him. Waiting on a response.

My dad is in the hospital right now. He's 80 and suffered a subdural hematoma (bleeding between the brain and skull). Wouldn't wake up for 3+ weeks so all his muscles have atrophied. We're coming up on 6+ weeks now. He hates the hospital so much he's tried to get out of bed so many times that he's been restrained which infuriates him that much more. He can't walk yet and the one time he did get loose he just fell and risked further injury. It's hard enough to watch let alone experience. Glad you got through it.
Thats so sad to hear OVNI, i'm sorry but if anything its that fight and hate for hospitals that will get him through. Yes I can imagine how hard it is to see
Don't know where he is physically located, it may help to speed things along a bit to have someone more local to both of you if possible.

Would help if you need it. Don't need anything extra, just any shipping/paypal fees.

Only issue is I probably wouldn't be able to LPM it... It's pretty stupid but somehow I misplaced my ophir head.:undecided:
My dad is in the hospital right now. He's 80 and suffered a subdural hematoma (bleeding between the brain and skull). Wouldn't wake up for 3+ weeks so all his muscles have atrophied. We're coming up on 6+ weeks now. He hates the hospital so much he's tried to get out of bed so many times that he's been restrained which infuriates him that much more. He can't walk yet and the one time he did get loose he just fell and risked further injury. It's hard enough to watch let alone experience. Glad you got through it.

It's none of my business but since you posted it in a public forum I feel I must comment. This seems very wrong to me. My father died at home in 1992 at the age of 74, I won't bother with the details. I also wasn't able to be there as he and his wife moved away, it was also very sudden. If he hates hospitals and doesn't want to be there then he should be at home. Also I don't know what it costs there but here a stay in the hospital is about $10,000 a day. You can't put a value on human life but I will put a value on mine. I can't stand hospitals, I hate setting foot in one, I don't even like to drive by one or even see one! In case you didn't know it they are also one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. My own life is nearing its end, hopefully not for several years but I have told everyone that there is to be no 911 call until I am dead. A friend of mine is now texting me daily to be sure I am still alive.

Thats so sad to hear OVNI, i'm sorry but if anything its that fight and hate for hospitals that will get him through. Yes I can imagine how hard it is to see

Bullshit, his hate for hospitals and being forced to stay there may kill him, he would be better off at home.

This is going completely off subject, but OVNI may be using hospital, and nursing/rehab/assisted living interchangeably. Generally speaking a person who is no longer in immediate danger, but is not ambulatory and needs supervision would be discharged to somekind of nursing home.

As for being allowed to go home, I certainly appreciate the sentiment, but it doesn't take into the account the reality that it takes A LOT to take care of someone at home who can't get around. It's in itself a full time job at least.

Personally should I get to be to that kind of age, I fully intent to go skydiving, sans parachute, as opposed to being in a nursing home.
This is going completely off subject, but OVNI may be using hospital, and nursing/rehab/assisted living interchangeably. Generally speaking a person who is no longer in immediate danger, but is not ambulatory and needs supervision would be discharged to somekind of nursing home.

As for being allowed to go home, I certainly appreciate the sentiment, but it doesn't take into the account the reality that it takes A LOT to take care of someone at home who can't get around. It's in itself a full time job at least.

Personally should I get to be to that kind of age, I fully intent to go skydiving, sans parachute, as opposed to being in a nursing home.

I take care of my mother and it is a full time job that I can barely do now, she had a stroke in March of 2012. My father had a stroke and was disabled when he was younger than me, although unlike my mother, he almost fully recovered. My mother will be 92 later this year and I believe she will outlive me, I know that when I go she will follow only days or weeks after.

I couldn't agree with you more, if my condition were as bad as my mothers is I would be gone the same day, no doubts at all, we don't have to be forced to live like that. My mother however wants to make it to 101, that is well beyond my life expectancy.

My wife had terminal lung cancer, she was told 12 months with full time hospital care or 6 at home, she wanted to be at home and signed a DNR ( Do not resuscitate.)

I supported her decision as did her brother, her sister wanted her to live in the hospital and fight it, her mother was just heartbroken, but it was not her sisters choice or her right to decide.

I was with her when she passed and it happened with a sudden rupture, I will save the Halloween story but she was brave as hell.

I did call 911 and did CPR myself and allowed the emergency people to try CPR and forced ventilation and the jump start paddles, but what was left of her lungs were full, I remember the salty taste of her blood in my mouth.

The only reason I did CPR and let the ambulance people try was for her sister and mothers peace of mind, but her decision of how to live out her last days was her choice and I made sure she had it.

No one should be forced to live strapped to a hospital bed with a pipe shoved down their throat, or in terrible pain all the time, I know pain and I will decide when I have had enough, and until you walk a mile in those shoes you will never understand.

It's like people who jump from a burning building, some people can't understand why, well it hurt worse to stay in the searing heat.

No one should be forced to stay in their own brand of searing heat, it's our life and our choice, and if people want a doctor to help them out of their suffering that should be their decision and no one else's, barring extreme mental illness or some truly extenuating circumstance.
A bit harsh to GSS Alan. You never know how someone else's situation might be different from your own experience. What's the point of taking a whack at GSS during this discussion. If you don't agree fine, just say so and why.

I didn't make it clear that I'm not looking for anything out of this transaction other than whatever mail and paypal fees end up costing me.
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mod & good guy daguin is in Cal.

as well as Luke 'yobresal' you could not ask for more honesty from either.
Yes, I know this can be a touchy subject. I do appreciate everyone's input. This is the first decision kids on both sides are facing for our parents (my dad remarried some 30+ years ago).

He was at the hospital that performed his surgery for ~ 1 month. It took him 3 weeks to wake up and after a week more of observation they felt he was fit enough and transferred him to a rehab hospital which is where he's at now. Kindred. I think it's nationwide.

He and his wife have an Advance Directive asking not to be kept alive under some fairly vague conditions dealing with having to be 'kept alive' with little chance of a better quality of life. As his wife, she has the (sole I'm told) legal authority to make his health decisions for him however what's complicating things is she been having dementia/alzheimer symptoms for the last couple of years. Short term memory problems, can't drive at night, impaired judgement. My dad was pretty much caring for her until this happened. If they both end up not being able to make their own decisions my sister, my Dad's natural daughter, is their durable power of attorney (DPoA). Unless she is determined to be 'legally' impaired, i.e. not competent to make his or her own health decisions (e.g. either due to an accident that befalls her or by the courts given her present condition), as far as the hospital is concerned she's making the decisions.

So he can't go home until/unless someone can care for both of them and she won't let anyone make decisions for my Dad on her behalf except her natural son who was never raised by my dad and he has a job/life of his own. He r son doesn't like being in the middle either and recognizes he will probably have to get legal guardianship of his Mom. We all agree that we want them together as soon and as for as long as possible.

I think my Dad is lucid enough already that we really just need to ask him what he wants. He's out of it due to the latest procedure but will come around in the coming days. His wife just doesn't want to let him go and I understand that but ultimately I think it's really my Dad's call given he is mentally sound and if he isn't, we need to respect his wishes as best as we can interpret them.

So we're all kind of figuring out what we need to do and how to get it done. I'm at that age where the tables turn on who cares for who.

So, didn't intend for this to get so off topic but I don't have a lot of people to talk to about this so even though I haven't met anyone in person on this forum, I kind of feel like we know each other to varying degrees from our interactions so I appreciate having this dialog.

And back to the topic at hand, a big thanks to everyone willing to be the broker. I haven't heard back from Taylor's wife yet.
